Dr. Kenneth Hughes and His Mommy Makeover Surgery By: Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes is a Harvard-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Kenneth Hughes has built a fully accredited, state-of-the-art surgery center in which he performs a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeries. Dr. Kenneth Hughes performs tummy tuck, Brazilian... more
Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon, and His Mommy Makeover Surgery
Specialist mommy makeover surgeon Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes performs mommy makeover surgeries, which typically includes tummy tuck and breast surgery (breast augmentation and/or breast lift). The tummy tuck can be helpful after pregnancy or after massive weight loss. The abdomen is stretched during pregnancy, both the abdominal wall (abdominal muscles and fascia) and the skin. A tummy tuck addresses both the loose skin and the lax abdominal wall as to give a nice, flat youthful contour to the abdomen. The tummy tuck also creates a more youthful belly button. Dr. Kenneth Hughes will also improve the waist to hip ratio with a tummy tuck.
While the tummy tuck is certainly effective in its removal of tissue and correcting issues of skin laxity and size, the scar produced is often objectionable to many patients. Dr. Kenneth Hughes in Los Angeles has extensive experience and amazing successes with the Bodytite technology to avoid the longer scars associated with tummy tucks. Bodytite can be used in conjunction with liposuction to tighten the tissues of the tummy by about 40%.
The breasts are frequently addressed at the same time as the abdomen in a mommy makeover. Some women as a result of pregnancy and pregnancy related weight gains as well as engorgement from lactation and/or breast feeding suffer a loss of breast tissue and a deflated look. Breast augmentation adds fullness to the look of the breasts and improves the deflated appearance.
For many patients, the skin of the breasts is stretched to the point that the droopiness of the breast can only be improved by tightening the skin envelope with what is known as a breast lift. A breast lift can be utilized if the areola and/or breast has fallen below the inframammary fold. Breast surgeon Dr. Hughes employs the breast lift that has the shortest scar necessary to affect the best appearing breasts. The breast lift is necessary in many mommy makeovers for the best overall look for the breasts.
Risks Associated with Mommy Makeover:
• Seroma (fluid collection)
• Dehiscence (breakdown of the wound)
• Skin necrosis (death of part of the skin)
• Umbilical loss (death of the belly button)
• Nerve injury
• Hypertrophic scar or keloid
• Slow healing (particularly with poor nutrition, diabetics, or in those taking corticosteroids)
To find out more about Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes and his Mommy Makeover, visit Dr. Hughes mommy makeover page and his other websites: