How to listen to your body before its too late

Dr. Cándido Otero Pathologist Roseburg, OR

Dr. Cándido L. Otero is a retired pathologist in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Otero is a doctor who specializes in the study of bodily fluids and tissues. As a pathologist, Dr. Otero did two Fellowships, the first Fellowship was Cytopathology, the study of the cell, at Shans Jacksonville, Florida and the second Felllowship, Oncological... more

Our body is a secret tabernacle that we need to understand in other to move on in our life experience here on earth. Most of the times we don't pay attention to the subtle massage which is spoken coming from deep in our being. There are many examples that I can tell you but it's you the one who needs to understand yourself and body make sure that nothing is going wrong, so you can continue doing your life with happiness and satisfaction. to make a worthy comment, I would start to ask you; What would you do if you notice a weird sound from your car engine? I guess that immediately you would call the car dealer to make an appointment. Well, why don't you do the same when there's something wrong with your body? 

I sincerely would run an immediate check-up by organ system and see if you have pain, where, how, frequency, what triggers the pain, what aggravates it as well as what diminishes it. In addition, ask yourself, please be truthful with yourself, what I am injecting, in any shape, way or form any harmful substance that could trigger what you are feeling and is making you sick.

Our human body is constantly bombarded by external factors found in the environment that depending on how strong or weak your immune system is a disease can appear or not. I am not saying for you to become paranoid but to be on alert with your body.

We are energy and our purpose in life is to produce energy to have whatever experience in life and being successful. But the most important thing is to determine your purpose and from there the universe will take care or you. Have you notice how to some people everything comes easy and yet other go through life failing and having hard time on everything they want to do? This isn't a coincidence, in reality is a matter of choice, yours only.

As I said, we are energy. Let me explain it in the most simple term. We are created by an ATOM (one Nucleus containing one proton and neutron and surrounding the nucleus are electrons).where 99.999% of the ATOM is space. Meaning that there are 99.9% of you. Therefore, you have 99.9% of possibilities of you being whoever you want to be. Now, 15,000,000 atoms tin a cell. Billons of cells forms an organ system and different organ system form a human body. The purpose of the cell is to form energy and give support to the organ they specialize. Everything works in unison but when one part is not communicating with the other, the human body become a mess and difficult to go on in life.

The way you start listening to your body and organ system is by understanding what's going on with you. Being healthy is your responsibility and no one else but yours. Everything that do do, think, or don't, do can affect you as well as others.

Start listening to your body, thoughts and follow their message. The human body is s perfect machine, we just have to take care of it. Soon I will have a book published. The titles is: Do You Know Who We Are?