Dr. David Abramson, M.D.
Plastic Surgeon
Dr. David Abramson is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in New York, NY. Dr. Abramson specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning properly; therefore, this elective field solely focuses on aesthetics and anti-aging.
Dr. David Abramson, M.D.
- New York, NY
- Johns Hopkins University
- Accepting new patients
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Does a facelift get rid of wrinkles?
A facelift will rejuvenate by restoring more youthful anatomy, fine lines or wrinkles can be addressed with laser or peels
Is breast reduction considered plastic surgery?
Yes breast reduction is a plastic surgery although sometimes it can be covered by insurance
How long is the recovery for abdominal liposuction?
Usually people can return to work in a couple of days.
What happens if you remove your breast implants?
The breasts will be smaller and ptotic. You may need a breast lift.
David L. Abramson, M.D.
David L. Abramson, M.D.