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Charles Hecht-leavitt, M.D.


Dr. Charles Hecht-leavitt is a radiologist practicing in Virginia Beach, VA. Dr. Hecht-leavitt specializes in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using medical imaging techniques such as X-Rays, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography exams. These techniques offer accurate visibility to the inside of the patients body and help to detect otherwise hidden illnesses so that they can be treated quickly and efficiently.
45 years Experience
Charles Hecht-leavitt, M.D.
  • Virginia Beach, VA
  • Virginia Commonwealth University / Medical College of Virginia School of Medic
  • Accepting new patients

Does a CT scan show sinus inflammation?

A CT scan of the sinuses will show sinus inflammation if present.

Can you shower after radiation treatment?

Yes. Don't use irritating soaps on the parts of your skin that got irradiated, however.

What are the do's and don't's of radiotherapy?

Do: Read all information provided to you by your radiation oncologist. After reading, prepare a list of questions and ask your radiation.

Is radiation from the sun dangerous?

Yes, you will get a sunburn. Can also increase your risk for skin cancer.

What happens if you eat sugar before a PET scan?

It won't be an accurate scan. You will be given radioactive sugar for the PET scan to see where it is used in the body. If your body already has enough sugar, the radioactive sugar READ MORE
It won't be an accurate scan. You will be given radioactive sugar for the PET scan to see where it is used in the body. If your body already has enough sugar, the radioactive sugar won't be taken up by the tissue, it will be stored in the liver.

Is there radiation in a PET scan?

Yes. PET involves injection into your bloodstream of a small amount of a radioactive isotope that is bound to an analogs of a molecule that your body normally uses, like sugar. READ MORE
Yes. PET involves injection into your bloodstream of a small amount of a radioactive isotope that is bound to an analogs of a molecule that your body normally uses, like sugar. These radioactive molecules circulate throughout your body and are taken up by specific organs, concentrating in diseased tissue. Most PET scans are done in conjunction with a CT scan, which adds another small amount of radiation, but helps better pinpointing the site of the disease.

When should you get an MRI for a headache?

When your doctor orders one.

What is the first sign of too much radiation?

There are no outward signs of receiving radiation for diagnostic imaging studies.

What is the difference between fluoroscopy and radiography?

Fluoroscopy is a moving picture. Radiography is a still photo.

Why does radiation cause fatigue?

Therapeutic radiation achieves its beneficial effects by killing cancer cells. Cancer cells do not have the ability to repair the damage to their DNA caused by radiation. Normal READ MORE
Therapeutic radiation achieves its beneficial effects by killing cancer cells. Cancer cells do not have the ability to repair the damage to their DNA caused by radiation. Normal body cells are also damaged by radiation, but they can repair their DNA. This repair process takes metabolic energy. Therefore, while your body cells are repairing the damage caused by radiation, you will feel tired. Some body tissues are especially susceptible to radiation injury; for example, the lining of the digestive system. These damaged cells will be replaced rather than repaired, which also takes energy.

Can a CT scan detect brain abnormalities?

A CT scan of the brain can detect some brain abnormalities. An MRI scan of the brain is a more detailed and comprehensive brain imaging test.

How long does it take to get results from venous doppler?

The technologist who does the examination can usually provide an immediate result, while the examination is being done. This will need to be confirmed by the radiologist, however. READ MORE
The technologist who does the examination can usually provide an immediate result, while the examination is being done. This will need to be confirmed by the radiologist, however.

Are all lung lesions cancerous?

Seen on CT can be characterized based on several factors in their appearance. If it looks benign, they can be left alone. Intermediate lesions may warrant a follow-up CT. Lesions READ MORE
Seen on CT can be characterized based on several factors in their appearance. If it looks benign, they can be left alone. Intermediate lesions may warrant a follow-up CT. Lesions that are more suspicious for cancer may be biopsied under CT guidance, or may warrant a PET-CT scan.

How long does it take to get results from venous doppler?

The ultrasound technologist can usually provide an immediate answer.

What are safe radiation levels for children?

The radiation dose for an ankle X-ray is quite small and very safe. Ask the radiology facility if it is using ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) in their imaging protocols READ MORE
The radiation dose for an ankle X-ray is quite small and very safe. Ask the radiology facility if it is using ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) in their imaging protocols and whether it has specific imaging protocols for children.

Is it safe to have an MRI performed if pregnant?

Yes. No radiation for MRI, just magnetism and radio waves.