Spotlight Video | Lifestyle Changes to Control Your Blood Pressure | Muntaz A. Majeed, MD

Dr. Muntaz Majeed Internist South Richmond Hill, NY

Dr. Muntaz Majeed, MD, is a seasoned internist based in South Richmond Hill, NY, with over 40 years of experience in the medical field. His practice, located on 101st Avenue, is dedicated to providing comprehensive and patient-centered care. Dr. Majeed specializes in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity,... more

High blood pressure, or hypertension, often has no symptoms but is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. While medications can help, lifestyle and dietary changes play a major role in managing blood pressure.

Key ways to lower blood pressure include regular exercise (30 minutes daily), maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing sugar, salt, and processed foods. Eating more potassium-rich foods—like fruits and vegetables—supports heart health, while limiting alcohol and caffeine intake helps keep blood pressure stable. Managing stress through techniques like meditation and deep breathing can also be beneficial.

Additionally, getting quality sleep, eating a balanced diet like the DASH diet, and quitting smoking support lower blood pressure. While some supplements and medicinal herbs may offer benefits, consult a doctor before using them, especially alongside prescription medications.

Remember, if blood pressure stays high or exceeds 180/120 mm Hg, consult a healthcare provider promptly.