Dr. Daryoush Jamal, M.D.
Addiction Medicine Specialist
Dr. Daryoush Jamal practices Child & Adolescent Psychiatry in Pasadena, CA. Dr. Jamal has been evaluating patients throughout childhood, adolescence, and adulthood over the past 20 years; each patient's treatment is individualized in order to determine what specific treatment(s) is/are necessary in order to properly control the individual's symptom(s). Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists are trained and certified to administer psychotherapy, medication, and many other means of treatment as indicated. Dr. Jamal seeks to improve each patients quality of life by improving the person's ability to function, which may have been compromised by their mental health realted illness.
23 years
Dr. Daryoush D. Jamal, M.D.
- Pasadena, CA
- Kansas University Medical Cent
- Accepting new patients
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Are panic attacks a sign of schizophrenia?
Not the most common symptom of Schizophrenia, but rather common for anxiety related disorders and some substance-use disorders.
Can anxiety cause paranoid delusions?
It can definitely cause fearfulness and heightened paranoid thinking but not delusions; delusions are fixed false beliefs without the ability to rationalize about them vs. person READ MORE
It can definitely cause fearfulness and heightened paranoid thinking but not delusions; delusions are fixed false beliefs without the ability to rationalize about them vs. person that has anxious-paranoid thinking that is able to rationalize.
Do antidepressants make you emotionless?
Antidepressants are prescribed for depression, anxiety and other conditions (e.g. PMDD, Pain Management, etc.). Therefore, it is crucial to make the correct diagnosis in order READ MORE
Antidepressants are prescribed for depression, anxiety and other conditions (e.g. PMDD, Pain Management, etc.). Therefore, it is crucial to make the correct diagnosis in order to properly treat the condition. Typical benefit of antidepressant treatment is to reestablish balance and equilibrium in the person suffering from anxiety &/or depression; therefore, the person will become themselves again in the case of depression. In the case of Anxiety the person should have feelings of relief and freedom from the crippling anxiety. Therefore, any unwanted symptoms (e.g. more anxious, more subdued, etc.) would likely mean that the treatment does not agree with the patient; specific to that particular medication, rather than the class of such medications.
Can antidepressants cause you to hear voices?
Antidepressants should improve your wellness and ability to function; anything that is of possible adverse reaction to the medication should be discussed with your psychiatrist READ MORE
Antidepressants should improve your wellness and ability to function; anything that is of possible adverse reaction to the medication should be discussed with your psychiatrist immediately, as some reactions may dissipate in a very short time of taking the medication (e.g. nausea). However, certain side-effects or adverse reactions (e.g. "hear voices") are extremely rare and would likely result in discontinuation of that particular medication.
What is the best non-addictive anti-anxiety medication?
Depending on type of anxiety, generally speaking, the class of antidepressants are one of the safest and most effective options available at present. There are also non-addictive READ MORE
Depending on type of anxiety, generally speaking, the class of antidepressants are one of the safest and most effective options available at present. There are also non-addictive medications for control of panic attacks.