Elizabeth Davis, D.P.M.
Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
- Wellington, Florida
- Ohio College (Kent State) of Podiatric Medicine
- Accepting new patients
Importance of Education of the Diabetic Patient by their Health Care Team
It is no surprise that the United States is always at the top of the obesity charts, and with obesity comes type 2 diabetes. With that comes all of the co-morbidities (diseases...
What should I do with a smashed toe?
My toe bump?
Should I see a doctor about this?
What to do about my foot pain?
I have white spots on the bottom of my feet. What could these be?
1. dry skin (xerosis) --> treatment would be consistent use with an OTC lotion such as Vaseline, aquaphor, or amlactin.
2. athlete's foot (tinea pedis) --> while this most commonly is red, peeling skin that itches or burns, it can range from wet or peeling tissue in between the toes or small blisters/pustules; dry your feet well and try an OTC anti-fungal cream. If on plantar skin, powders work better in between the toes.
3. contact dermatitis/allergic reaction to something you are exposed to or possibly systemic (in your body such as eczema) will respond to an OTC steroid like hydrocortisone.
If the skin does not improve, you can call a dermatologist or podiatrist to assess and they may rx a stronger topical.
I rip off my toenails?
I have a mole on my feet?
Do acupressure slippers work for relieving pain?
Good luck!
Elizabeth A. Davis, DPM