Jeff Rippey
- Saint Joseph, MO
- Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Accepting new patients
Why It's Hard To Tell Patients Where Needles Might Be Placed
I've been answering questions on this site for a couple of years now. There's been a recent trend towards acupressure questions which I addressed in my first blog post. Generally,...
Why It's Difficult to Answer Acupressure/Pressure Point Questions
As part of this site, patients have the capability of asking questions of practitioners and subject matter experts. Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of questions that take the...
Can acupuncture improve sleep?
How it works is somewhat more complicated to explain. Chinese medicine encompasses a diagnostic system that is a bit more flexible than conventional medicine's. There are actually multiple root causes for insomnia in the Chinese system and treatment will vary slightly depending on any given patient's exact presentation.
From the perspective of conventional medicine, acupuncture exerts a calming influence on the central nervous system, reduces stress, increases production of endogenous opiates as well as melatonin and promotes blood flow. Basically, we're helping to get a patient in to a super relaxed state which makes sleep come more easily.
Is it advisable to take acupuncture treatment along with normal medication?
I do quite a bit of work with hypertensive patients and I prefer to make sure their doctor is aware we're adding acupuncture. This way the drug dose can be adjusted as necessary while acupuncture treatment progresses.
As long as your doctor is aware you're using acupuncture, your acupuncturist is aware of the prescription drugs you're taking and everyone is monitoring your blood pressure, you should be just fine.
Can acupuncture help in treating diabetes?
If this is the case, acupuncture can help manage the side effects of any drugs you may be prescribed. Additionally, some recent studies of acupuncture in weight loss have shown that it can help regulate insulin levels to a degree.
The extent to which acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine can help is going to largely depend on your individual presentation. Where are your fasting glucose and a1c levels? Are you experiencing any other diabetic symptoms (peripheral neuropathy and so on)? What drug(s) is/are being recommended by your physician? How open are you to dietary modification and how well can you stick to those changes?
How can acupuncture help in treating my loud cough?
If your chest x-ray is clear, the problem is most likely allergy related. There are several studies out showing acupuncture's effectiveness in the treatment of allergy. Speaking more generally, several studies have also pointed to acupuncture's ability to bring things down a notch when the immune system goes in to over drive.
To sort of skirt around the mumbo-jumbo issue - cough in acupuncture is considered a kind of 'rebellion' or 'counter-flow'. The type and quality of the cough (loud, soft / dry or with expectoration) tells us what is rebelling or counter-flowing. That information helps us to arrive at a treatment.
I've treated a lot of persistent cough and allergy patients. I typically get good results unless there is something else going on (like lung infection, which you've already ruled out).
Best regards,
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
Are medicines also involved in acupuncture treatment?
Many acupuncturists also practice Chinese herbal medicine and here's where we need to be more careful. There are some documented interactions between Chinese herbs and conventional medications. There are a lot of Chinese herb and drug combinations where we simply do not know what might happen. To avoid problems with Chinese herbal meds, most acupuncturists will make sure they have a list of what a patient is currently taking. This list should be kept up to date in their records. If they don't ask, a patient needs to make sure the acupuncturist is aware - especially if they're recommending herbs.
I've worked with depression, anxiety and PTSD while patients were on meds to help these issues. I've worked with high blood pressure while patients were on meds for that issue. I've worked with pain conditions while patients were on pain meds.
Best regards,
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
Should acupuncture be a long term thing?
I do a lot of work with stress patients. Initially I see them weekly for 3-4 weeks and then we go monthly to keep things in check. These monthly treatments can go on for a year or more. If the patient is able to make lifestyle changes to reduce their stressors they might only come back quarterly. If lifestyle changes aren't possible in the near term, then they may consider coming monthly or every other month for an extended period of time.
I've never personally had anyone experience a negative side effect from prolonged acupuncture.
Best regards,
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
Is there an acupuncture treatment for treating back aches too?
In pain conditions studies seem to be showing that acupuncture affects neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord that play a role in the transmission of the pain signal. There is at least one study, done in carpal tunnel syndrome, where functional MRI imaging showed acupuncture was changing the way signals are processed in the pre-frontal cortex (an area of the brain known to be involved in pain processing).
There's also a musculoskeletal approach to the problem where we look at the lines of tension in your muscles starting in your feet/low legs and going up in to the back. Sometimes releasing and rebalancing this muscular tension can go a long way to relieving the discomfort.
Best regards,
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
My mother in law feels very sleepy all through the day. Can acupuncture help her?
Acupuncture is a therapeutic approach and more than one visit is typically required. The idea is to see a patient relatively frequently in the beginning. As we start to see results, we start to space the visits out until we hit some optimal maintenance interval. What maintenance looks like varies from person to person; it could be monthly, quarterly or twice a year. There aren't really any good ways to predict.
Can acupuncture really help with hair loss?
I'd suggest looking for a certified acupuncturist who has either worked with hair loss or does a lot of cosmetic work.
Are acupressure and acupuncture the same?
How long does acupuncture treatment usually last?
Generally, for pain/headache, I tell folks they're looking at 5-7 treatments. After that, we generally start spacing things out until we hit some optimal interval that leaves the patient with sufficient relief. I've had patients with intervals as long as every 6 months and as short as monthly. The idea is that we find some space where the patient doesn't have to come weekly.
If the practitioner you're thinking of seeing offers a free consult, I highly recommend starting there. This will give you a chance to feel the person out and see if it's a good match. At some point, the practitioner should be asking about your expectations and giving you some idea of how previous patients with your issue have fared under their care.
Is there a cure for acute arthritis in acupuncture?
Can acupuncture help treat thyroid imbalance?
sometimes they don't. If you're taking prescription meds, make sure to bring a list that includes drug name, strength, and dose so your acupuncturist is aware.
Best regards,
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
I have a migraine problem. Should I see an acupuncturist?
Does acupuncture work for anxiety?
I am having a lot of stress due to menopause and I am unable to sleep soundly. Should I go for acupuncture treatment?
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
Can accupuncture help in bringing down my cholesterol?
That being said, diet modification combined with exercise are often more effective in reducing LDL cholesterol. What acupuncture can do is help reduce the body inflammation which is likely the source of your elevated LDL levels.
I have headaches frequently. Can acupuncture treatment help?
Jeff Rippey, L.Ac.
How long does the effect of acupuncture last?
The good news is you received what sounds like excellent results and those results persisted for somewhere around 2 years. You might need a few sessions in a row to reestablish a healthy pattern for you and then you could probably go to twice a year or yearly "tune ups" to maintain.
Can acupuncture help in treating joint pain?
If you've had any imaging (X-ray, CT scan, MRI, etc.) make sure you bring those results along to your first appointment. An acupuncturist is going to diagnose from the perspective of Chinese medicine, but having that information available can often help them figure out a treatment approach.