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Roman Nowosilskyj

General Practitioner

Dr. Roman Nowosilskyj is a general practitioner practicing in Athelstone , South Australia. Dr. Nowosilskyj does not specialize in one area of medicine, however provides routine health care services. General practitioners typically have regular, even life-long patients who they provide health care services to. Dr. Nowosilskyj provides services including physical exams, immunizations, and diagnosing and treating multiple illnesses and injuries. General practitioners typically work in private offices and clinics and have staffs of nurses and administators.
Roman Nowosilskyj
  • Athelstone, South Australia
  • University of Adelaide
  • Accepting new patients

What causes a toenail to separate from the nail bed?

Can be a combination of tinea, arthritis from interchangeable joint affecting growth re nail, interphalangeal joint.

What can I do about my migraines?

Manage the migraine when you get it, e.g., Maxalt, and if regular migraines, try preventative med like Sandomigran.


Yeast infections, fungal, needs bowel, urinary testing.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Can range from nil, then finding of abnormal blood result to other issues, thirst, sweet taste.

Bloody stools?

Could be haemorrhoid or inflammatory bowel condition

How can I treat my allergies?

Either treat when you get symptoms with simple anti allergy/antihistamine meds, but if more severe reactions, see an allergist to find the exact thing you are allergic to and then READ MORE
Either treat when you get symptoms with simple anti allergy/antihistamine meds, but if more severe reactions, see an allergist to find the exact thing you are allergic to and then discuss management even to have Epipen in case of a severe reaction.

How can I ease the pain of a sinus infection?

Nasal sprays to flush out mucous, decongestant meds and steroid spray if bad

When should I take my 4 year old to the ER for a fever?

Especially if severe headache neurological symptoms

What can you give a child for a stomach virus?

Initially dietary management - no milk no cheese no dairy products maintain clear fluid

What causes fever and headaches in children?

Anything from a cold to sinusitis tonsillitis otitis

What are the treatment options for tonsillitis?

Antibiotics usually penicillin