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Cze H. Low


Dr. Cze Low is an ophthalmologist practicing in Singapore, . Dr. Low specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Low can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Low can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Cze H. Low
  • National University of Singapore
  • Accepting new patients

I want to wear contacts

You should not wear them if your eyes hurt. Talk to your eye doctor for alternative treatments

Does not wearing glasses all the time increase eye power?

Wearing glasses does not increase eye power. Corrected vision gives best visual function and reduces accommodative stress on your eyes.

My eyes are blinking a lot. What could be the problem?

Frequent blinking occurs from eye surface disorders like dryness, inflammation, allergy and infections. Aging with hormones decrease affects the eye tissues too. Treatment includes READ MORE
Frequent blinking occurs from eye surface disorders like dryness, inflammation, allergy and infections. Aging with hormones decrease affects the eye tissues too. Treatment includes eye lubricant drops, eye protection with glasses in dry windy situations and anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics, when appropriate.

Why are my eyes blood red when I wake up?

Overuse of your eyes and eye stress lead to redness. Dryness is associated with redness, pain and blurred vision. Periodic rest, eye drops and relaxation will make your eyes happier READ MORE
Overuse of your eyes and eye stress lead to redness. Dryness is associated with redness, pain and blurred vision. Periodic rest, eye drops and relaxation will make your eyes happier and less red .

There's an intense pain in my eyes and my vision is blurry. What could this be from?

Sudden intense pain can occur from dry areas on the eye surface due to exposure of corneal nerve endings. Wetting or lubricant eye drops help to reduce its occurrence. If persistent, READ MORE
Sudden intense pain can occur from dry areas on the eye surface due to exposure of corneal nerve endings. Wetting or lubricant eye drops help to reduce its occurrence. If persistent, see an eye doctor to exclude glaucoma, infection or foreign bodies on your eye.

My dad is suffering from hypertension. Of late he has been complaining of double vision. Are the two related?

Yes, it’s possible like if a stroke occurs affecting the eye muscles and control of eye movements.

Can a 3 year old child have glasses?

Yes, if the examination shows a need.

Is stopping restasis considered to be dangerous?

It’s ok to stop restasis anytime you are concerned over side effects.

Can i be affected with two types of cataract in the same eye?

You can develop a secondary cataract after the first is removed. It is not a true cataract, but is called posterior capsule opacification or pco. This is the skin of the cataract READ MORE
You can develop a secondary cataract after the first is removed. It is not a true cataract, but is called posterior capsule opacification or pco. This is the skin of the cataract that is left behind to hold the artificial lens implant following the first cataract operation. A laser is used to open the capsule at its centre so that light can pass through, hence restoring clear vision.

Can diabetes cause reading difficulties?

Yes, diabetes causes cataracts which will lead to blurry vision. This is retinal disease like macular oedema and or haemorrhages from diabetes that affect vision. Prompt treatment READ MORE
Yes, diabetes causes cataracts which will lead to blurry vision. This is retinal disease like macular oedema and or haemorrhages from diabetes that affect vision. Prompt treatment is needed before blindness develops. Medication and dietary control of diabetes must be followed seriously.

Is stopping restasis considered to be dangerous?

It is not dangerous to stop restasis for a while. In fact it is recommended.

My eyes are red and itching badly. Why is this happening?

If it's the first time you have it, it could be due to infections, dust particles, over strain or Dryness, or a new allergy. Systematic factors like a flu maybe considered. Allergies READ MORE
If it's the first time you have it, it could be due to infections, dust particles, over strain or Dryness, or a new allergy. Systematic factors like a flu maybe considered. Allergies are usually recurrent associated with running nose and pollen or pollution.

Could my dry eyes be due to excessive exposure to the computer screen?

Yes. Dryness, allergens, and over strain all occur. Regular rest for the eyes and liberal artificial tears will help, but does not cure.

How can we tell if my son is color-blind?

At three years, you can present different coloured balls like red, green, blue etc and look for his choice. If he cannot differentiate, then he is colour difficient, not necessarily READ MORE
At three years, you can present different coloured balls like red, green, blue etc and look for his choice. If he cannot differentiate, then he is colour difficient, not necessarily blind. There is no treatment as its an inherited condition.

What is the reason for constant watering of the eyes?

At 72, eyes are exposed to the environment for decades. Hormonal decline affects tear production. Treat with frequent artificial tears, lubricants continously up to 5 times per READ MORE
At 72, eyes are exposed to the environment for decades. Hormonal decline affects tear production. Treat with frequent artificial tears, lubricants continously up to 5 times per minute will see immediate improvement. Punctal plugs to retain tears help. Rehydrate regularly. Omegas 3 fish oils help over the long term

I have a blood clot in my eyes. Is it serious?

If it's a subconjunctival hemorrhage, it is not serious and will heal in a week. Check for hypertension and diabetes.

Why do I have eye irritation when my eyes water?

Prevention of dust and pollutants from your eyes will help. Wear goggle glasses. Keep wind and dust out by closing windows when there is high environmental pollution. Treat with READ MORE
Prevention of dust and pollutants from your eyes will help. Wear goggle glasses. Keep wind and dust out by closing windows when there is high environmental pollution. Treat with artificial eye drops to wash out pollutants and irritants on the surface of your eyes. Avoid rubbing. Use antihistamines, when needed.

How do I know if my child has got an allergy or conjunctivitis?

Allergies will be recurrent, worse with rubbing and associated with asthma and eczema. Time will tell. Conjunctivitis is usually one off. Keeping good hygiene will avoid recurrence. READ MORE
Allergies will be recurrent, worse with rubbing and associated with asthma and eczema. Time will tell.
Conjunctivitis is usually one off. Keeping good hygiene will avoid recurrence.

My eyes feel very dry after LASIK. Why could this be?

Lasik is associated with dry eyes as the laser and cutting of the flap cuts the corneal nerves and makes your eyes less sensitive to dryness. Hence, use lubricants and artificial READ MORE
Lasik is associated with dry eyes as the laser and cutting of the flap cuts the corneal nerves and makes your eyes less sensitive to dryness. Hence, use lubricants and artificial tears liberally till your nerves regrow after 6 to 12 months.