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Dr. Robert L. Block


Dr. Robert Block is an ophthalmologist practicing in Meriden, Connecticut. Dr. Block specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Block can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Block can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Dr. Robert L. Block
  • Meriden, Connecticut
  • Sackler Faculty of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Are eye exercises that effective?

Eye exercises are generally not effective in improving poor eyesight. There are numerous causes for poor eyesight, most commonly due to refractive errors. Eyeglasses, contacts READ MORE
Eye exercises are generally not effective in improving poor eyesight. There are numerous causes for poor eyesight, most commonly due to refractive errors. Eyeglasses, contacts and sometimes laser vision corrections are all widely accepted and proven treatments nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Presbyopia is due to changes in the flexibility of the lens of the eye and to some extent the strength of the muscles that control the lens. It occurs as we age with onset between 40-50 years of age. Some patients are able to "train" their eyes to focus close up for short periods of time, but this effect is short lived in greater than 90% of the population. This is why most people over the age of 50 require glasses to read.

How can I avoid glasses?

At this point in time, the answer to your question is a very small percentage of people do not need glasses until late into their 50’s or 60’s. Most people require reading glasses READ MORE
At this point in time, the answer to your question is a very small percentage of people do not need glasses until late into their 50’s or 60’s. Most people require reading glasses in their 40’s because of a natural change in the eye called presbyopia.

Are eye floaters a problem of the eye or a neurological problem?

A "floater" is not uncommon after the age of 50 and more common in people that are nearsighted. A new "floater" should be evaluated as the process that creates the "floater" can READ MORE
A "floater" is not uncommon after the age of 50 and more common in people that are nearsighted. A new "floater" should be evaluated as the process that creates the "floater" can tear the retina and lead to a retinal detachment with permanent vision loss.

There's an intense pain in my eyes and my vision is blurry. What could this be from?

Sorry, there is insufficient information to answer this question with any certainty. However, I strongly advise you immediately see an eye care professional.

Is there a way to treat cataract without surgery?

The simple answer is no. The surgeon that examined your dad should have performed a refraction to determine whether and new prescription for glasses would improve the vision. Cataracts READ MORE
The simple answer is no. The surgeon that examined your dad should have performed a refraction to determine whether and new prescription for glasses would improve the vision. Cataracts are a progressive condition and will get worse with time. This should have been discussed at the time cataract surgery was suggested. If the vision is not too bad and there is no diabetic retinopathy then the surgery can be postponed. However, there is no alternative to removing the cataract.

My eyes are red and itching badly. Why is this happening?

While it is possible you are suffering from all allergic reaction you may also have an infection. Is there any discharge other than watering? If not, this is either a viral conjunctivitis READ MORE
While it is possible you are suffering from all allergic reaction you may also have an infection. Is there any discharge other than watering? If not, this is either a viral conjunctivitis or an allergic conjunctivitis. Have you had a cold recently? Is there a small possibly tender nodule by the bone in front of your ear? Where your eye crusted shut this morning? If any of these answers are yes then you may have a viral conjunctivitis which is generally h9ighly contagious. There is not really any FDA approved treatment for viral conjunctivitis, however cold compresses may help relieve some of the itching. On the other hand if this is an allergic reaction to something you were exposed to yesterday then cold compresses work well to alleviate both the itching and calm the reaction. It is essential either way not to rub your eyes as this will create a reaction that perpetuates the allergy. It is certainly worthwhile to go to the drug store and get some eye allergy drops, Zaditor or some other product and use as directed.
If there has been a little itching and redness that has become progressively worse over a period of days or weeks then you likely have a condition called Blepharitis which is treated with hot compresses and massage.

What is the difference between optometrist and an ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor and a surgeon. An optometrist is a Doctor of Optometry and is neither a medical doctor or a surgeon. An ophthalmologist has completed on READ MORE
An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor and a surgeon. An optometrist is a Doctor of Optometry and is neither a medical doctor or a surgeon. An ophthalmologist has completed on average 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 4 years of Ophthalmology residency while an Optometrist has completed 4 years of college and 4 years of Optometry Schooling. Essentially, the medical doctor has much more extensive training in all fields of eye science except perhaps refraction (the measurement of refractive error in the eye or the need for corrective lenses), contact lens fitting and business essentials. Furthermore, an Ophthalmologist, the medical doctor has spent 3 complete years just examining patients and performing surgery whereas most Optometrists have only one complete year of just examining patients and no surgical training.

Why does my vision feel hazy in the morning?

The most likely explanation is dryness. If you are in a winter climate, the heat has been on steadily for the past month and the air in the home has become progressively drier. READ MORE
The most likely explanation is dryness. If you are in a winter climate, the heat has been on steadily for the past month and the air in the home has become progressively drier. You eyes do not blink while you sleep to re-wet the surface of your eyes and they may therefore be getting dry while you sleep. Purchase some artificial tears from the drug store and apply the drops upon awakening in the morning this will likely clear your vision much faster than just waiting. If this works you want to get a humidifier for your bedroom to humidify the air and help reduce the overnight dryness. You probably have DTS (dysfunctional tear syndrome) and may want to see an Ophthalmologist for further evaluation and treatment.

My mother is highly diabetic and is not able to see very clearly. Could it be the onset of glaucoma?

It is more likely that your mother needs new glasses. Although she also has cataracts, possibly diabetic retinopathy and lastly glaucoma. She definitely needs an eye exam. The READ MORE
It is more likely that your mother needs new glasses. Although she also has cataracts, possibly diabetic retinopathy and lastly glaucoma. She definitely needs an eye exam. The ADA (American Diabetic Association) and the AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmolgy) both recommend an annual comprehensive dilated eye exam for all diabetics.

Can contact lenses be worn by an 8-year-old?

Yes. If the child has a certain level of maturity and the parent is willing to monitor the child's use of the lenses. However, it is difficult to learn to insert and remove the READ MORE
Yes. If the child has a certain level of maturity and the parent is willing to monitor the child's use of the lenses. However, it is difficult to learn to insert and remove the lenses unless it is performed on a daily basis. Much more importantly, are you aware of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy)? It is a degenerative brain disease found in approximately 99% of deceased NFL players who have been tested. There are insufficient studies on the disease to determine at what age the disease begins. Therefore, it is possible that this seemingly innocent game your child is playing may be damaging his brain.

My eye looks different because of my astigmatism. Anything I can do?

Are you referring to the visual appearance of the eye while wearing glasses? If so, contact lenses are the answer.

Why are my eyes so sensitive to light?

Light sensitivity can occur due to several problems. If there is no pain associated with the sensitivity it may be due to dysfunctional year syndrome. If there is pain it may be READ MORE
Light sensitivity can occur due to several problems.
If there is no pain associated with the sensitivity it may be due to dysfunctional year syndrome. If there is pain it may be iritis, an eye disease that requires the attention of an ophthalmologist. Some people are just sensitive to the light and require sunglasses outdoors others may have a retina problem that causes the sensitivity, albinism for example. It is possible but not likely that the tearing is the result of chronic allergy but this would typically be associated with red itchy eyes.