“My eye looks different because of my astigmatism. Anything I can do?”
I have an astigmatism in my right eye and this causes it to look different than my left eye. Will it get worse if I don't do anything about it? Is there any procedure available to fix this?
27 Answers
Astigmatism, or an out-of-roundness of the eye, does not make the eye look different than the other eye. It can, however, make the 'vision' different from the other eye, usually as blurriness. Most astigmatism can be corrected, but it depends on the severity, the cause, and the age of the patient. Without this information, it is not possible to say what can be done. You should probably see a cornea-refractive specialist who can determine the cause and possible treatment. But if your eye 'looks' different to you in the mirror or to other people, this is probably due to something else, not astigmatism.
Only if you have a severe astigmatism called keratoconus and only in one eye or one eye significantly worse than the other would astigmatism make the eyes look different. Astigmatism if regular can be treated with various procedures ie LASIK or corneal crosslinking. If your eyes look different you should definitely see an eye doctor
Vision from astigmatism can be improved with glasses, contact lenses or LASIK. It may stay the same or worsen with time.
Your eye shouldn't look different from and astigmatism.
Make sure something else isn't going on in addition to the astigmatism.
Rarely something in the upper lid can induce an astigmatism, but could also make the eyes look different, so make sure you get it checked out!
Make sure something else isn't going on in addition to the astigmatism.
Rarely something in the upper lid can induce an astigmatism, but could also make the eyes look different, so make sure you get it checked out!
It is hard to image astigmatism altering the eye appearance to a noticeable extent. Even those with astoundingly high astigmatism have a normal appearing eye. There must be some other thing you are noticing. Check with an ophthalmologist to see if there is something else going on to make this change.
Astigmatism simply means that the shape of your eye is not perfectly round. It does not cause an appearance change from one eye to the other. You should be seen by an ophthalmologist to see why one eye appears different than another.

Kapil Kapoor
While astigmatism changes the shape of your eye, and this change can affect the clarity of your vision and the intensity of prescription required to bring your vision into focus, it should not actually affect the appearance of your eye as you look it it's reflection in the mirror. If this has been suggested previously I would advise to have it rechecked.
While astigmatism changes the shape of your eye, and this change can affect the clarity of your vision and the intensity of prescription required to bring your vision into focus, it should not actually affect the appearance of your eye as you look it it's reflection in the mirror. If this has been suggested previously I would advise to have it rechecked.
Astigmatism does not cause the eye to look different. If your eye looks different, I recommend that you see an ophthalmologist to determine the correct reasson.
Astigmatism is a fairly common refractive error which cause things to appear blurry or distorted. It can usually be corrected with glasses, contacts, or laser vision correction. Best thing to do is schedule an evaluation with an ophthalmologist to see which option is best for you. Now as far as your eyes appearance, I not sure why it appears different than the other. Astigmatism is not something you can see with the naked eye.
Hope this information is helpful=20
Dr Roberts
Hope this information is helpful=20
Dr Roberts
astigmatism can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses and lasers. All these modalities should help improve your visual function.
If you mean "my eye sees differently" than the other eye. That is understandable. If the appearance is different, that would require a visit to an ophthalmologist.
The distorted image that an eye with astigmatism produces is different than one with no astigmatism, but the appearance of the eye when looked at through a mirror or by another person, should be no different.
If it is different, it should be examined by an ophthalmologist.
Roger Ohanesian MD
The distorted image that an eye with astigmatism produces is different than one with no astigmatism, but the appearance of the eye when looked at through a mirror or by another person, should be no different.
If it is different, it should be examined by an ophthalmologist.
Roger Ohanesian MD
Astigmatism is a change in the shape of the cornea (the clear window in
front of the eye). There are some surgical procedures that ophthalmologists
can do to correct astigmatism. However, it would be very uncommon for
astigmatism to change the way your eye looks. I wonder if you might have a
pterygium (growth caused by sun damage) or other condition affecting the
surface of the eye? It is a good idea to make an appointment with an
Ophthalmologist (Eye MD) who can take a good look at the eye to determine
what is causing the change in appearance.
front of the eye). There are some surgical procedures that ophthalmologists
can do to correct astigmatism. However, it would be very uncommon for
astigmatism to change the way your eye looks. I wonder if you might have a
pterygium (growth caused by sun damage) or other condition affecting the
surface of the eye? It is a good idea to make an appointment with an
Ophthalmologist (Eye MD) who can take a good look at the eye to determine
what is causing the change in appearance.
Astigmatism does not change the shape of the eye in a visible way. It is due to ever so slight curvature of the cornea and that is not visible to people. What can change the shape of the eye is Ptosis , lower lid laxity etc.. without a photo it is difficult to say the cause of your concern !!
Astigmatism can be due to several causes. Whether it will progress or not depends on the cause of the astigmatism. Have you had a corneal topography? That will help exclude corneal ectasias such as keratoconus which can indeed lead to progressively worsening astigmatism.
Depending on the cause there can be several treatment options. Cross linking would be the first choice for keratoconus. However for astigmatism without any ectasia the first choice would be a suitable contact lens trial. There are surgical options as well but most patients will benefit from contact lenses although refractive surgical options can also be appropriate for some patients.
Astigmatism can be due to several causes. Whether it will progress or not depends on the cause of the astigmatism. Have you had a corneal topography? That will help exclude corneal ectasias such as keratoconus which can indeed lead to progressively worsening astigmatism.
Depending on the cause there can be several treatment options. Cross linking would be the first choice for keratoconus. However for astigmatism without any ectasia the first choice would be a suitable contact lens trial. There are surgical options as well but most patients will benefit from contact lenses although refractive surgical options can also be appropriate for some patients.
Astigmatism has to do with the shape of the cornea (the clear round most anterior structure of the eye). It is not something that you could notice by looking in the mirror. It’s a subtle shape difference that makes the cornea take on the shape of a football rather than a round basketball. There are many causes of astigmatism: keratoconus, pterygia, terrien’s marginal degeneration, corneal ulcers, and corneal scarring from other disease or trauma to the eye, to name just a few.
If there is a progressive disease process identified, then by treating the disease, you can stop the progression of astigmatism. For example, when we remove large pterygia from the eye, a majority of the astigmatism is removed. LASIK or PRK can also be performed to correct large amounts of astigmatism, if you are a candidate. If you are seeing a difference in the appearance of your two eyes, then something else may be going on and you should seek an opinion by a board certified ophthalmologist or optometrist.
- Lee Katzman MD
If there is a progressive disease process identified, then by treating the disease, you can stop the progression of astigmatism. For example, when we remove large pterygia from the eye, a majority of the astigmatism is removed. LASIK or PRK can also be performed to correct large amounts of astigmatism, if you are a candidate. If you are seeing a difference in the appearance of your two eyes, then something else may be going on and you should seek an opinion by a board certified ophthalmologist or optometrist.
- Lee Katzman MD
I'm not sure I understand your question. ASTIGMATISM is a refractive eye "power" & "focusing" issue...it doesn't cause your eye to be visibly different than the other. If you are noting a PHYSICAL difference in appearance, you have a problem that needs assessing. If you are describing how you "see" things differently, then, yes, astigmatism blurs you. It can be addressed with glasses, contact lenses or sometimes, refractive surgery. See your eyecare physician to diagnose and address options with you.
An examination to determine the extent of astigmatism is needed. Next, it can be corrected with spectacles. Surgical correction is possible.
Visit your eye specialist, or optometrist, they can offer the best option or procedure for your condition.
Are you referring to the visual appearance of the eye while wearing glasses? If so, contact lenses are the answer.
Astigmatism is when the cornea is not spherical, but is shaped more like a football. When people look at you, they won't know if you have astigmatism. It isn't something anyone can see. But when you look out of an eye that has astigmatism, objects and images can be both blurred and even be tilted. The easiest way to correct astigmatism is to get prescription glasses. Depending on the prescription, contact lens may also be used to correct the astigmatism. Also LASIK or another refractive surgery may correct the astigmatism.
Astigmatism is an irregularly shaped cornea and is usually fully correctable with glasses. Except in rare and extreme cases, astigmatism has no affect on the appearance of your eye. You may want to see an ophthalmologist if you feel like one appears different than the other, as it's unlikely to be the result of astigmatism.
You may have astigmatism which is different between your eyes but this is unlikely why the appearance of your eyes may be different. It is highly likely that your vision or the sharpness of your eye-sight is different between your eyes which can make objects look different between the two eyes.
Astigmatism should not cause your eye to physically appear different than the other eye.
Do you have any additional information?
Do you have any additional information?
Astigmatism, if of a great amount and different from your other eye, can cause the iris (the colored part creating the pupil) to look "different". A very commonly available measurement from
an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist can give you a quick answer.
an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist can give you a quick answer.
1. Does it look different because of the lids or cornea?
2. It depends on the underlying reason but the short answer is yes.
1. Does it look different because of the lids or cornea?
2. It depends on the underlying reason but the short answer is yes.
The vision may be different in your right eye due to astigmatism, or another reason. Astigmatism just means that one axis of your cornea has a different curvature than the opposite axis. That means, essentially, the eye is slightly football shaped, rather than basketball shaped. There can be many reasons you have astigmatism; it can be normal for you, or it can be part of a more complicated issue. You will need an eye exam to determine what's happening. Astigmatism can be easily corrected with LASIK, PRK or other procedures in most cases. However, you will need an exam to determine if that is a good option for you. Hopefully, this information is helpful.