Eating to Live Because Food is the Foundation for Optimal Health

Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality. Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding... more

“Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food” — Hippocrates

Nourish your soul with the thoughts you think and the words you speak. Nourish your mind and your body with the food you eat!

In this EBook — You Will Learn

  • How to make “food your best friend” “not your worst enemy”
  • The foods to eat to prevent or overcome ill health and disease and how they will work for you
  • What you eat, how you eat and whom you eat with, makes all the difference to the enjoyment of your food
  • Eating to live helping you to achieve optimal health, happiness and vitality for you whole life

Click Here to purchase & download your copy now!

What people say:

“What a great book, chock full of information. I love the recipes.” (Di)

“Love the book, just helped to clarify and simplify the whole food thing.” (Lyn)

“Just what I needed to help me to implement healthy food for myself and my family.” (Zane)

“Thank you Julie, certainly helped to simplify how to eat healthy.” (Nick)

Great & easy to follow, yet packed full of helpful information. (Seana)

Love the book, so easy to follow and uncomplicated, great health information & Recipes. (Jill)