Julie Doherty
Naturopathic Physician
Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality.
Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding your core desires will help with changing your priorities, building determination. This being the first step of your journey.
Mastering your Health means changing your systems of beliefs and behaviours. It is easy to say, NOW IS NOT THE TIME! What you need to ask yourself is, “IF NOT NOW WHEN?” Well, THE TIME IS NOW. Here is your opportunity…TAKE IT! I have heard time and time again—the one thing people regret most at the end of their lives is not taking action when opportunities come along. CHOOSE TO INVEST IN A POSITIVE & HEALTHIER YOU!
To Achieve Optimal Health it is necessary to learn how you can achieve HEALTH OPTIMIZATION . This begins with understanding the core elements of ill-health and disease. To understand that to become well is about making lifestyle changes that will support a healthy body and a healthy mind. The very core of prevention and recovery of ill-health and disease is dependant on learning to “Take Charge” in order to eliminate the vulnerability that comes about when ill-health prevails.
- Mount Gambier, South Australia
- Diplomas Qualifications include: Naturopathic Medicine
- Accepting new patients
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Why and when is mud therapy recommended?
Is there a cure in naturopathy for a cold due to allergies?
When you understand what’s happening during allergy attacks, treating them naturally seems like plain common sense. In this article I teach you the Steps to Understanding Allergies and Overcoming them..................
My father has been diagnosed with IBD. Do you think naturopathic treatment may help him?
I have two Article links that I have written, that you will find helpful for your Dad........................................
& How to Manage & Heal Ulcerative Colitis......
Is there a naturopathic treatment for spondylitis?
What is the best way to treat blood pressure using naturopathy?
What You Can Do!
So let’s start with Exercise: Exercise is one of the best ways to boost nitric oxide levels, through the induction of eNOS activation. It also improves nitric oxide storage capabilities over the long term. So exercise has benefits right throughout the vascular system, as well as a direct cardio protective action against future ischaemic issues.
Weight Management: is vitally important when it comes to cardiovascular health. Being overweight will have a direct effect on your health in general as you have cellular damage as well as extra workload placed on your organs. So weight reduction is vitally important for managing healthy blood pressure. Fat loss is one of the most effective ways to reduce blood pressure quickly. So reducing or eliminating all together any type of animal fat this also includes dairy products. However do not go for fat reduced, just eliminate it from your diet for long term health results. Adipose tissue is known to be an important source of inflammation, driving vascular dysfunction and also has significant effects of vasoconstriction, increasing oxidative stress, vascular immune dysfunction and thrombosis. By implementing changes to your daily eating such as shown in my blog “Alkalize your Body for Optimal Health”.
Diet: becoming mindful nutrition of what you are eating incorporating a diet that will stand you in good stead for a lifetime is the very first and most important foundational step to addressing not only your hypertension problems, it will also support and prevent other health problems from occurring. Lowering carbohydrate intake and increasing healthy protein intake has been associated with the lowering of blood pressure. It has also been noted that by including 40 grams of #Soy protein per day has had significant effects of the reductions of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
#Salt plays a significant role in being a causative factor in increasing blood pressure, so by decreasing your consumption of salt will have significant effects on improving your blood pressure results. So my advice here is to not use premade sauces or add salt to your cooking. To eat as little processed and totally avoid fast food chains.
Learn more about how you can manage blood pressure with lifestyle changes and natural medicines................
What are the ways to treat fluid retention naturally?
Parsley – This is one of the well-known remedies when it comes to fluid retention. But how do I get it into my daily routine. A cup of parsley either in your lunchtime salad or your green smoothie. Otherwise you can use dried parsley to make a tea – 2 teaspoons of dried parsley, 2 slices of lemon in a cup of boiling water. Allow to steep for 10 mins. Three cups a day will definitely help.
Apple cider vinegar – is beneficial to help regulate sodium levels within your body. As I have mentioned sodium/salt actually is one of the causes of edema/fluid or water retention. Add a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Drink 2 x a day. Adding a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath or foot spa will actually help to prevent not-so-good body odour.
Cranberry juice – Known for its health benefits to the kidneys and treatment of urinary tract infections. Cranberries help by stimulating the urinary tract. They also have an abundance of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Essential nutrients for healthy heart function and muscles. Drink a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice once a day.
Dandelion – is a wonderful herb that has been used for years to support healthy liver function, heart and circulation. It is rich in potassium meaning that it is beneficial in regulating sodium levels. Also rich in magnesium, dandelion once again benefits healthy heart and muscle function whilst reducing PMS bloating. Dandelion is available in health shops as a tea. Drinking one – two cups a day will definitely help not only reducing your edema but your heart and circulation as well.
Onion – Onions are well known for their ability to cleanse the blood. Onions are also excellent to support healthy urine secretion and preventing the formation of kidney stones. Onions are easy to add to your daily diet either in a salad, soup or cooking your favourite meal. Always to remember eating raw onion has great health benefits.
Fennel seeds – are number one when it comes to supporting healthy digestion, they have a powerful antioxidant and diuretic benefits. Add a tablespoon of these wonderful seeds to your meal at night, your smoothie, on your sandwich, in your salad.
Epsom Salt & Essential Oil Baths – Add a cup of Epsom salts to your bath and three – five of drops of either geranium, cypress or juniper oils. Enjoy this bath ritual three times per week. Not only will you find it relaxing, your skin will improve, it will detoxify you, help reduce abdominal bloating and of course fluid retention. It will also help to reduce pain from inflamed joints and muscles.
Herbal Teas such as – Stinging Nettle Root – This is available once again as a tea in the health shops, is a natural diuretic. Early I was mentioning the flow of lymph this is the removal system for toxins and chemicals. Stinging nettle also improves the flow of lymph, the added benefit to this, is that it improves your immune function. Also supports healthy kidney and allergies.
Lemon juice – You have heard the saying – “An apple a day keeps the Doctor away”. It is also well known that a lemon a day can also keep the Doctor away. One lemon squeezed in a glass of hot water, first thing in the morning will help with the elimination of excess fluids and toxic substances. If you are new with starting the lemon drink, then you may wish to add a teaspoon of Organic Honey. Enjoy this every morning. High in vitamin C and bioflavonoids necessary for healthy digestion.
Foods to Help: Celery, cucumbers, cabbage, watermelon, bananas, pineapples, apples, pears and watercress.
Filtered Water – Yes I know don’t forget your water. Dehydration not only will make your edema worse, it is also responsible for many other health complaints. As water is your transport system for nutrients to your blood stream, to nourish every organ and function within your body.
Health doesn’t come “Naturally” – However is Achievable by Making some Incremental Changes
A Great Way to Begin Improving your Health is by Changing the Foods you EAT
To help with these changes – Download a copy of my eBook “Eating to Live”
What is a naturopathic treatment for removing gall bladder stones?
The best natural remedy known so far for gallstones, is extra virgin olive oil. There are two methods of use with olive oil. Firstly, taken internally and also applied externally warmed to a heat that will allow it transport easily through your skin. You can apply the oil direct to the gallbladder area then apply a warmed towel also taking in the abdominal area. The oil will seep through the pores of your skin that have been expanded with the heat and begin to dissolve the gallstones. Treatment may take several days.
Now for two continuous days drink pure organic apple juice 3 – 4 (150 ml glass size) per day. Adding 2 teaspoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Now reduce this on the third day to two glasses per day for two days, then 1 glass per day for the following week.
3rd Day Begin Lemon Juice – squeeze the juice of one lemon with 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil at the end of the second day. You should expect now for the gallstones to pass out of your system on the third day.
Foods to include that will support the process are apples, radishes, cherries, oranges, lemons (even once the stones have passed having a squeezed lemon in warm water every morning either continuing with the olive oil or flaxseed oil is great for a healthy gallbladder.)
Black organic plunger coffee is great for liver and gallbladder health.
Drink 2 – 21/2 litres of filtered water per day
During this process only eat a fresh food diet – eliminating dairy, animal fat, packaged/processed foods, fast foods, pastries, biscuits and cakes.
Additionally to support repair and rejuvenation of the gallbladder and liver. I make a formula using herbs such as dandelion, globe artichoke: golden seal: Chamomile, hops and cramp bark.