Dr. Robert J. Thorsness
Sports Medicine Specialist
Dr. Robert Thorsness is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Joliet, IL. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Thorsness is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
Dr. Robert J. Thorsness
- Joliet, IL
- Accepting new patients
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How can I manage the pain in my elbow?
Yes, you could easily have injured a tendon in the elbow or potentially fractured the bone. I would see your doctor.
How can I stop the pain in my elbow?
Often elbow pain in weightlifters is from a cartilage injury, which may improve with cortisone injection.
What's causing my collarbone pain?
There are many causes including fracture, AC arthritis, and pectoralis origin strain. I would see an orthopedic doctor.