“How can I manage the pain in my elbow?”
I injured my elbow in a car accident two months ago, and since then the pain in my elbow has been increasing steadily. Do you think I should go to the doctor?
6 Answers
Yes, you could easily have injured a tendon in the elbow or potentially fractured the bone. I would see your doctor.
Pain in the elbow after trauma should definitely be assessed by physical examination and X-rays.
Best regards,
Best regards,
The general principle is that pain following trauma should trend down or decrease with time if the body can heal the injury naturally. Pain that increases over time is concerning that the injury involves a structure that has been damaged beyond the joints healing capabilities. So, I would definitely recommend evaluation with a musculoskeletal specialist - sports med, ortho or physical med and rehab specialist concerning your elbow.
Kevin Jon Lawson, MD
Kevin Jon Lawson, MD
Joint pain lasting longer then 8-12 weeks that is refractory to RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation…including NSAIDs) may be suggestive of something more seriously injured then just a simple bruise, strain or sprain and should be evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon.
If you continue to have pain in your elbow after two months you certainly should see a orthopedic surgeon. It would be unlikely for a minor injury not to be seeing some healing at this time. It may simply be that you have a minor muscle strain or minor ligament injury. It also may be that you have a more significant bony abnormality. Best of luck but go see the doctor.