Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan, M.D.
Dr. Ghulam Khan is an Addiction Psychiatrist practicing in Austin, TX. Dr. Khan evaluates, diagnoses, and treats people who suffer from impulse control conditions related to addiction. As an Addiction Psychiatrist, Dr. Khan is a substance abuse expert, and is trained to fully understand the biological science behind addiction, in order to properly treat each patient.
34 years
Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan, M.D.
- Austin, TX
- Sind Med Coll, Univ Of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
- Accepting new patients
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At night, thinking prevents me from sleeping. Can I do anything about it?
Please read about sleep hygiene. If it still persists, please seek help. Cold shower, relaxation helps. All the best.
Sudden mental fatigue--what can it be?
Please practice relaxation, get a physical exam and basic lab work. It can be multiple causes. Let's get an annual physical exam.
All the best.
All the best.
Vivid daydreams
If you have history of trauma it could be related to you having PTSD which is comorbid to depression and negative thoughts during the day. Please get a psychiatric evaluation. Thank READ MORE
If you have history of trauma it could be related to you having PTSD which is comorbid to depression and negative thoughts during the day.
Please get a psychiatric evaluation.
Thank you and all the best.
Please get a psychiatric evaluation.
Thank you and all the best.
Can OCD be cured?
OCD is common along with other psychiatric diagnoses. He should see a psychiatrist soon and therapy will help. OCD can be controlled.
All the best,
All the best,
Are there any exercises for the brain?
Please see therapist to manage stress.practice relaxation and sleep hygiene.
All the best.
All the best.
Can a psychiatrist help with my memory loss?
Sure! Psychiatrist will help but lets get her seen by neurologist to get basic medical work up and neuro exam
All the best.
All the best.
Is bipolar disorder hereditary?
Sure! It is genetic. Please get a Psychiatric eval. Excercise, therapy to control mood, and medication will be needed to control mood.
All the best.
All the best.
Is memory loss a side effect of schizoaffective disorder treatment?
Cognitive deficits are part of schizophrenia, or he might have early onset dementia. Please get a physical exam and get him seen by a neurologist.
All the best.
All the best.
My son has Asperger's Syndrome. How is it treated?
Thank you for your question.
Asperger's varies from mild to severe and its symptoms vary as well. Mostly its symptoms are treated with medication, but therapy, social training READ MORE
Thank you for your question.
Asperger's varies from mild to severe and its symptoms vary as well. Mostly its symptoms are treated with medication, but therapy, social training is long term treatment. Thank you.
Asperger's varies from mild to severe and its symptoms vary as well. Mostly its symptoms are treated with medication, but therapy, social training is long term treatment. Thank you.
Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking Zoloft?
Please don't drink with zoloft, as it ruins the whole purpose of medication. I see older folks all the time with long-term issues with alcohol.