Deja Vu All Over Again

Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry... more
As the USA and the world brace for the impact of Independence Day and 4th of July weekend indulgence and Bastille Day remembrance for people with French ancestry or allegiance all over the world, the prospect of a huge increase in identified cases of Covid-19 has burgeoned. With some of America's top scientists disavowing the Trump administration's newest abandonment of interdiction as a workable strategy.
Despite the official abandonment of WHO and the illegal withholding of allocated money to it, 230 of the world's top epidemiological geneticists have issued a warning that Covid-19 is primarily an airborne droplet, person-to-person spread disease. The bubonic plague which ravaged the world 400 years and 200 years ago was a bacterial (Pasteurella pestis) epidemic that ping-ponged between human and animal vectors but the catastrophic damage inflicted on the world's population was the result of human-to-human infection.
The all-over again theme reinforces the need for simple measures such as masking and social distancing. The chronic nature of this disorder makes it ultimately more dangerous than acute disorders whose infectivity and bodily damage are associated with their acuteness. As for the imperviousness of youth, this is a myth but the feeling of imperviousness is certainly an attribute of youth not needing alcohol or drugs (as with their elders) to circulate. Meanwhile, the behavior of our leader is being slavishly followed by those who are cult prone or so ideological as to be unaware of the multiple protections afforded POTUS that they will never have access to.