Politicizing the 4 Horsemen

Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry... more
Memorial Day 2020 is now in the books, some beaches, places of entertainment, bars, barber-nail, and hair salons reopened with or without mandatory masks, somewhat meaningless social distancing, etc. Some of the randomness in the responses was due to the limited availability of 830 pages of "How To" crafted by the CDC but withheld by the Trump Administration. Some 83 pages of instruction on opening up are under review but available on request as a Beta version to be used at "your own peril". Even worse is the attitudinal set toward masks as unmanly added to symbolic democratic party political correctness.
Minneapolis, Minnesota is the focus of race-based violence and political mayhem with the Mayor calling for the arrest of four fired policemen. Three watched as the fourth strangled an unarmed black man to death with a knee applied to his neck. His crime was suspicion of using a counterfeit $20 bill. The whole miserable episode is reminiscent of the death of New York's gentle giant for peddling 4 cigarettes. There is also the recent murder of an unarmed black man in North Carolina by three "white citizens" in the pursual of citizen's arrest for unlawful lurking.
if you've not had enough there is the white woman who called the police to arrest a black man who asked her to leash her dog in New York's central park. She was so sure that the police would respond to the claim that she was at risk because of a black man's action. She apologized and gave up her dog, but ended up being fired. Her intended victim stated that she should not have been so heavily sanctioned as she was probably unwell.
While this is probably correct, (it sounds like some depressive illness) it still adds to the evidence of the racism that pervades America. Even the laying of a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier was damaged by POTUS's lack of empathy and grace, and by his attack on an earlier visit by a covid masked, umbrella carrying Joe and Jill Biden. There are over 100,000 deaths from Covid-19 in the USA, 28% of the deaths in the world while only 4% of the world population. Clearly this is not the time to abandon WHO and silence the CDC. It boggles the mind to realize that 2,000 Americans are dying every day because of the Covid-19 virus. This horseman is really galloping!!