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Jonas Bjune

Physical Therapist

Jonas Bjune is a physical therapist practicing in New York, NY. Jonas Bjune specializes in physical treatment to help a patient reduce pain, restore mobility, rehabilitate an injury, or increase movement and overall function. As a physical therapist, Jonas Bjune can treat multiple conditions with exercises, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, joint mobilization, heat, ice, massage, soft tissue manipulation and more. Jonas Bjune will create a treatment plan based on the patients specific injury or condition, and might target a specific body part or body system based on the individual.
8 years Experience
Jonas Bjune
  • New York, NY
  • NYU
  • Accepting new patients

What exercises to avoid with ankle arthritis?

Avoid impact exercises. Best Regards

Can physical therapy help ankle swelling?

Absolutely, but its important to identify whats causing the swelling to begin with.

What exercises are best for knee arthritis?

All the research shows biking, stationary or otherwise, is the superior exercise for knee arthritis.

Can you treat scoliosis with physical therapy?

Scoliosis is a life long condition - it cannot be corrected. However, physical therapy is the way to go to manage your symptoms and prevent it from becoming worse.

Is physical therapy after hip surgery painful?

Depends on the hip surgery youre having! But no it should not be too painful

Can physical therapy help a torn rotator cuff?

It depends on the tear, but yes generally physical therapy can and will help.

Should stroke patients get physical therapy?

Yes as quickly as possible. Its crucial to start early

How long is physical therapy after knee replacement?

3-6 months depending on your age and fitness

Can physical therapy help neck nerve pain?

Depending on whats the root cause of the issue, yes.

How can a physiotherapist help with sport-related injuries?

It depends on what your diagnosis is, but a physiotherapist can help with manual therapy to release muscles and joints, they do movement assessments to find weaknesses and areas READ MORE
It depends on what your diagnosis is, but a physiotherapist can help with manual therapy to release muscles and joints, they do movement assessments to find weaknesses and areas for improvement and gives you a tailored exercise program to strengthen your body so your pain goes away, prevents it from happening again and improves you in your sport.

Is physical therapy worth it for back pain?

Physical Therapy is the number one treatment for back pain.

Should I start physical therapy after knee surgery?

Depends a little on what type of surgery you had, but yes most likely.

What kind of therapy do you do for tennis elbow?

Manual therapy and strengthening exercises are appropriate in treating tennis elbow