Take the Gratitude Challenge

Traci Kochendorfer in Dayton, OH Traci Offers spiritual holistic educational consultation and resources by remote services online in guidance for health and well- being.
With the world we live in today it can be a struggle with trying to stay positive and practice in enlightenment. I understand and of course, dealing with the flesh and media of negativity can keep us vibrating or lowering us to where we feel like zombies living in the GREY I call it. Where we are just going through the motions every day. Studies have shown that in a high percentage of individuals, the first thing they do when they wake up is look at their phones and check messages and emails. Go about things at a pace that keeps our energies struggling and it can take a toll not just on our bodies but our soul and spirit.
What is a great way to help get you back in your spiritual practice since many of us already phasing out our resolutions. Just like when we get so gung-ho and motivated the enemy works hard to try and bring us back down.
Well, that is what I like to help with. So we just did a 30 day Gratitude Challenge and now we are coming up to Lent. So want to invite every one of you to follow me on social media to register for the upcoming 40 days of Repentance for Lent.
You can follow me here for the show or subscribe to my Podcast on YouTube or Spotify.
You can also find out how to claim your very own 40 day guide workbook.