Laurie Brown
Homeopathic Physician
Dr. Laurie J Brown has practiced in the field of nursing for the last 30 years and has practiced as a Family Nurse Practitioner for 20 of those years. She has also recevied her board certification as a Doctor of integrative Medicine, as well as a Doctor of Humanitarian Services. She specializes in teen and adult care with an intergrative approach. Her specialities include autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, hormone imbalence, pain managment, dementia, hospice and palliative care. She is recognized as a certified dementia provider as well as an accepted community provider for the Veterans Administration for primary care as well as disability exams. Additionally, she is a certified Buprenorphine provier and a member of ASAM.
Dr Brown's education includes receiving her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from St. Joseph's College- Maine, Masters of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology from Phoenix University and her PhD and Clinical Doctorate degrees in Integrative Medicine from Quantum University.
She is board certified FNP with the ANCC, and as a Dr. of Integrative Medicine by BOIM. Finally, she is board certified as a Dr. of Humanitarian Services with the World Organization of Natural Medicine.
She currently offers Telehealth Medicine in 15 states and practices in Sheridan Wy
Dr Brown's education includes receiving her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from St. Joseph's College- Maine, Masters of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology from Phoenix University and her PhD and Clinical Doctorate degrees in Integrative Medicine from Quantum University.
She is board certified FNP with the ANCC, and as a Dr. of Integrative Medicine by BOIM. Finally, she is board certified as a Dr. of Humanitarian Services with the World Organization of Natural Medicine.
She currently offers Telehealth Medicine in 15 states and practices in Sheridan Wy
14 years
Laurie Brown
- Sheridan, WY
- University of Phoenix
- Accepting new patients
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Can migraine be fixed?
Migraines can be complex in nature and so can the cure. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free READ MORE
Migraines can be complex in nature and so can the cure. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult.
How long is the treatment for chronic pain?
A quick texted answer doesn't do it justice. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult. READ MORE
A quick texted answer doesn't do it justice. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult.
How can I get rid of muscle spasms?
That’s a pretty complex issue. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult. READ MORE
That’s a pretty complex issue. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult.
Can you help with tiredness?
We have all kinds of tools in our tool box. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult. READ MORE
We have all kinds of tools in our tool box. I would love to discuss this in further detail with you! Please check out my website and book an appointment for a free consult.