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Dr. Mario Spaggiari

Transplant Surgeon

Dr. Mario Spaggiari is a transplant and hepato-bilary pancreatic surgeon practicing in Chicago, IL. Dr. Spaggiari specializes in organ transplants including liver, pancreas, kidney and bowel; and oncologic surgeries for the treatment of complex liver, pancreas, and biliary system cancers and more. As a transplant and hepato-biliary pancreatic surgeon, Dr. Spaggiari performs long, complex surgeries that might take many hours to complete. Transplant surgeons remove the organ from the donor as well as transplant the organ in the recipient. Hepato-biliary pancreatic surgeons remove cancers from the liver, pancreas, and biliary system. Dr. Spaggiari works with transplant physicians, medical oncologists, GI doctors, and other professional specialties to provide comprehensive medical-surgical treatment to patients with end-stage organ disease and complex oncological cases. Dr. Spaggiari offers innovative approaches to allow the removal of extensive liver tumors (including metastatic liver disease from colorectal cancer) through surgical/medical downstaging techniques, liver regeneration strategies, liver transplantation.
9 years Experience
Dr. Mario Spaggiari
  • Chicago, IL
  • University of Illinois
  • Accepting new patients

Robotic-Assisted Placement of Hepatic Artery Infusion Pump for the Treatment of Colorectal Liver Metastases

Surgical resection remains the only definitive treatment for colorectal liver metastasis (CRLM). However, only a minority of cases are deemed resectable at the time of diagnosis....