Why Do Kids Need Chiropractic Care?

Dr. Sibyl Bence is a Chiropractor practicing in Macomb, MI. Her mission is to provide life changing chiropractic care to families and children in the community so that they can express true health and wellness. Dr. Sibyl's passion is to empower families with the certainty of true health.
Is It Safe For Kids?
Kids don't have back pain, why would they need to see a chiropractor? Is it safe for a baby to get adjusted? These are some of the most common questions I hear people ask me when I tell them I am a pediatric chiropractor. While these questions are valid concerns for parents to have, they have simple answers. Chiropractic care focuses on restoring function back to the nervous system by removing subluxations, or stress. The nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and all of the spinal nerves. It is how we think, learn and grow through our environment; literally we live through our nervous system. Since the nervous system is in control of every cell, organ, and tissue in your body, it is vital to keep this system in top shape for optimal body function.
Chiropractic Care For Children
Focusing specifically on kids, lets look at the beginning, their birth story. The birth process can be very traumatic on both the mother and the baby. A study was conducted and they found that 90% of babies are born with trauma or injury to their neck from the birth process. See, a babies nervous system is very impressionable and sensitive, which is why it needs to be tended to. Also, by the time a child is 5-years-old, they have had on average around 200 falls. That is a lot of falls! You can think of the nervous system working as an onion, when it has some form of trauma to it, that adds a layer of stress. There are 3 forms of stress; physical, chemical, and emotional. All the forms of stress have to be processed by your nervous system.
The Importance Of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care can help improve focus, sleep, immune function, digestion, brain function, and the list goes on. We take a gentle yet specific approach with chiropractic care and kiddos. Remember, the greatest doctor is the one that is already inside of you. Let us help you and your kids live a THRIVING life!