6 Common Causes of a Toothache You Should Never Ignore
New York’s very own, Dr. Roman Kogen was raised in the borough of Queens and is the first member in his family to graduate with a doctorate degree. Dr. Kogen is a sharp-minded, goal-oriented, and clearly dedicated individual who sets extremely high standards to succeed in any given environment. Graduating Magna Cum Laude... more
If you have ever experienced a toothache, then you probably know how significantly it can affect your daily life. It can be quite difficult to eat, work, and sleep if your teeth hurt. Nevertheless, a toothache can manifest some serious oral issues that can require timely and proper treatment. In this article, we have gathered six common causes of a toothache you should never ignore.
1. Tooth Decay
Tooth decay (cavities) is one of the most common conditions (it is second only to the common cold) that affects many people. This condition means the breakdown of teeth due to acids made by bacteria. Because these bacteria live in your oral cavity, poor oral hygiene and increased consumption of sweets boost your risk of getting a cavity. In the primary stage, tooth decay may develop asymptomatically. But when the cavity gets deep inside of the tooth, you may experience a severe toothache.
2. Dental Abscess
A dental abscess is a collection of pus that can develop inside the teeth, in the gums, or in the bone. It occurs because of a bacterial infection. An abscessed tooth is usually extremely painful. Other symptoms of this condition include increased tooth sensitivity, bad breath, unpleasant taste in the mouth, swollen gums, and fever. You should understand that an untreated abscess can rupture and the pus may spread to your jaw or brain.
3. Enamel Wear
Unfortunately, tooth enamel can wear with age or due to various factors like poor oral hygiene, aggressive tooth brushing, acidic foods and drinks, and teeth grinding. When your tooth enamel becomes thin, you may experience a toothache, increased tooth sensitivity, tooth discoloration, and chips on the surface of the tooth. You can make an appointment with a dentist to undergo dental bonding or get a dental crown to restore your teeth.
4. Gum Recession
Gum recession is a condition in which your gums pull back from the tooth surface, exposing the root surfaces of your teeth. As a result, your teeth look longer and become sensitive. Gum recession often occurs along with gum infection that results in gum disease. Gum recession can manifest itself through a toothache, gum pain, and loose teeth. It is essential to undergo timely and effective treatment for receding gums since an untreated condition can lead to tooth loss.
5. Tooth Fracture
A broken tooth can cause a lot of trouble, Firstly, it usually causes severe pain. Secondly, it is essential to restore the fractured tooth as soon as possible. Additionally, your dentist should examine your oral cavity, since you may have other injuries along with a tooth fracture. You should know that a broken tooth is more prone to tooth decay and dental abscess. That’s why it is essential to get a dental filling or cover it with a dental crown.
6. Loose Dental Restorations
Even though many dental restorations are permanent, some of them can wear out over time. If you have a loose dental filling or crown, it can lead to toothaches and other unpleasant complications. Loose dental fillings can lead to the accumulation of dental plaque and food particles that can result in tooth decay. Additionally, loose dental restorations can expose the inner sensitive layers of the tooth so you may experience a sudden pain while eating or drinking.
The Bottom Line
It is important to understand that a toothache should be evaluated by a dentist. Indeed, you can use pain medication or other remedies to ease your symptoms, but only a dentist can define and treat the underlying cause of your pain.