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Roxane Handal-Orefice

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Gynecology

Dr. Roxane Handal-Orefice is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in New Hartford, NY. Dr. Handal-Orefice specializes in women's health, particularly the female reproductive system, pregnancy and childbirth. As an obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, Dr. Handal-Orefice can treat a number of health issues related to the vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and breasts. Dr Handal-Orefice can also treat women during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and the postpartum period. In this specialty, doctors focus on reproductive care from puberty through adulthood.
4 years Experience
Roxane Handal-Orefice
  • New Hartford, NY
  • Columbia University
  • Accepting new patients

How soon should I see my doctor when pregnant?

Hi! When you suspect you are about 7-8 weeks pregnant it could be helpful to get a viability ultrasound just to make sure the pregnancy looks normal. It is probably ideal if your READ MORE
Hi! When you suspect you are about 7-8 weeks pregnant it could be helpful to get a viability ultrasound just to make sure the pregnancy looks normal. It is probably ideal if your first appointment occurs between 10-13 weeks for blood work, a first trimester ultrasound with nuchal translucency measurement. That ultrasound and bloodwork can help screen for some chromosomal anomalies like Down’s syndrome.

What exercises should I do in the second trimester?

You can do any exercise that you usually do when not pregnant. Just do what you feel you can tolerate and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.

What do I do when I get a positive pregnancy test?

This depends on whether you would like to continue with the pregnancy. If you do you should be taking a prenatal vitamin and schedule an appointment with an OBGYN.

What position is the baby in at 16 weeks?

The baby is usually in variable positions during that time in pregnancy. You cannot determine the exact position because it is moving quite a bit.

Can I lose weight while pregnant?

It is not recommended to lose weight while pregnant. The minimum weight gain is 15 pounds for women who start off with a higher BMI(body mass Index)

How should I sleep in my second trimester?

Anyway that you are comfortable

Is bed rest required after normal delivery?

Bedrest is not required after a normal delivery.

How long until uterus shrinks after delivery?

Hi, the uterus starts to decrease in size immediately after you give birth.

Is C section easier than natural birth?

Hi, it depends on how you define easier. The recovery is shorter after a vaginal delivery.

How long does it take for cervix to close after birth?

Your cervix start to close immediately after you give birth but it takes some time for it to return back to its completely closed state.

Can you tell what gender your baby is?

There is blood work that could be done in the first trimester that will tell you the gender of the baby. However if you are using ultrasound you can typically see the gender of READ MORE
There is blood work that could be done in the first trimester that will tell you the gender of the baby. However if you are using ultrasound you can typically see the gender of the baby by 16 weeks.

What happens if you don't eat enough while pregnant?

Hi, eating is essential to provide the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of your fetus. If you are not eating well you should determine why. Taking prenatal vitamins READ MORE
Hi, eating is essential to provide the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of your fetus. If you are not eating well you should determine why. Taking prenatal vitamins with extra folic acid may be helpful. However, it is still crucial to eat during your pregnancy for both yours and your fetus's well-being.

Airport security and being pregnant

Hi, yes you can go through the scanner at the airport. You can also go through the x-ray if necessary for your travels-the exposure to radiation is low -however, you should avoid READ MORE
Hi, yes you can go through the scanner at the airport. You can also go through the x-ray if necessary for your travels-the exposure to radiation is low -however, you should avoid going through multiple x-ray machines if possible.

Is fertility reduced with spina bifida?

Most people with spina bifida are to have children. However, this may vary depending on the severity and level of nerve damage caused by the spine bifida. I would recommend an READ MORE
Most people with spina bifida are to have children. However, this may vary depending on the severity and level of nerve damage caused by the spine bifida. I would recommend an in-person consultation with your obstetrician for a more accurate answer.

Vaginal warts

This is variable and depends on the kind of anesthesia you receive. This is a question better served for the OBGYN who will be doing the procedure, knows which technique they will READ MORE
This is variable and depends on the kind of anesthesia you receive. This is a question better served for the OBGYN who will be doing the procedure, knows which technique they will use, and is aware of the anesthesia type being used.

How can I differentiate between implantation bleeding and periods?

Implantation bleed may refer to the bleeding that can occur during pregnancy after implantation. Some people think they have their period when they are actually bleeding from pregnancy. READ MORE
Implantation bleed may refer to the bleeding that can occur during pregnancy after implantation. Some people think they have their period when they are actually bleeding from pregnancy. This does not occur with every pregnancy, which is why the term implantation bleeding can be confusing. Bleeding during pregnancy can be normal, or be a sign of miscarriage, an abnormal pregnancy, or a sign of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus-which is dangerous). It is therefore important to contact your physician if you are experiencing bleeding during the pregnancy.