6 Common Weight Loss Myths

Ragui Sadek Surgeon Somerset, NJ

Dr. Ragui Sadek’s career has been one of significant experience and distinction. Dr. Sadek is a premier surgeon in the New York and New Jersey area. A Clinical Assistant Professor of surgery at RWJ Medical School and the Director of bariatric surgery program at RWJ University Hospital, Dr. Sadek has established a state-of-the-art... more

Losing weight is difficult under any circumstances, but it may be more difficult when you're bombarded with confusing information. In addition, it may be challenging to distinguish reality from fiction when searching the internet or chatting with friends, especially when weight loss relies on individual objectives and needs.

The sheer number of disinformation on the issue of weight reduction makes it tough to navigate. And, if you're just starting out on your weight-loss path, don't be misled by popular misunderstandings about losing weight. Here is a list of six common weight loss myths you shouldn’t believe. 

1. The greatest weight loss option is starvation

Long-term weight loss is unlikely to come with crash diets. In fact, they can occasionally result in long-term weight gain. The biggest issue is that this sort of diet is difficult to maintain. You may also be deficient in vital nutrients since crash diets restrict the range of foods ingested. 

Your body will be depleted of energy, causing you to seek high-fat and high-sugar meals. Unfortunately, this can lead to overeating such foods and consuming more calories than necessary, resulting in weight gain.

2. You can reduce your weight with supplements

The weight loss supplement market is huge. Various firms claim their supplements have amazing results, but they're rarely successful when tested. The placebo effect is the primary reason why supplements work for some people.

People fall for the advertising strategies and want the supplements to help them lose weight, so they become more careful of what they eat. However, a few substances have little effect on weight loss. The better ones can help you lose a tiny bit of weight over time.

3. Some sugars are more harmful than others

There is a widespread belief that less processed sugars, such as those found in maple syrup or honey, are healthier than white sugar. But the truth is that our bodies metabolize sugar the same way, regardless of where it comes from. 

All sugars are converted into monosaccharides by the stomach. Therefore, instead of focusing on sugar processing, it is more necessary to consider the amount of sugar in any product. All kinds of sugar supply roughly four calories per gram.

4. Weight loss surgery is dangerous

All surgeries are generally risky and can result in complications or even result in death, and nobody is protected against that. However, because of modern technology and highly skilled surgeons, procedures can now be carried out with little risk of injury or scarring.

Without bariatric surgery, obese patients have a considerably higher risk of dying. They might have sleep apnea, diabetes, injuries, strokes, mental problems, or even cancer. If you want to undergo this weight loss procedure, you should consult with a bariatric doctor.

5. You can reduce your weight by avoiding gluten

Gluten is a kind of protein present in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. Except for a tiny percentage of people who have Celiac disease, gluten is not harmful and may be found in a variety of healthful foods that are also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

You may gain weight on a gluten-free diet, depending on what you consume. To improve taste and consistency, many processed gluten-free goods include larger quantities of carbs and fats than gluten-containing versions.

6. Juice cleanse contributes to fast weight loss

Juice cleanses have been promoted as a quick approach to losing weight and detox, but nothing could be further from the truth. Although you are consuming fewer calories, you are also consuming a lot of liquid sugar, which can trigger high blood sugar levels and weight gain. 

Your body goes into conservation mode since it doesn't know when its next meal is going to be. Although reducing calories will result in weight reduction, doing so for an extended period of time might have the opposite impact. This is only one example of what occurs to your body during a juice cleanse.