
Victor Tsan, CHP, is the founder of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. Victor Tsan began his medical career when he graduated with honors from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR in the spring of 1976. After this initial success, Victor pursued his first internship in Psychotherapy at 1st... more
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture treatment became very popular since it's effective and very safe. Acupuncture represents an alternative medicine that is practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The core concept of acupuncture is related to the chi energy that presents in our body. The goal is to tune it and to force it to flow correctly and redirect it towards specific meridians. Those meridians are responsible for treating various illnesses, which is the main reason why more and more people turn towards this type of practice. According to Oriental Medical philosophy, a particular disease appears only when there is an unbalance around our chi. Hence, acupuncture steps in and aids the energy to regain balance. The small needles used in this practice are inserted into the skin only on those specific points. Those points redirect the energy flow from within and create equilibrium.
Acupuncture Treatment Methodology
Acupuncture treatment is not just pricking needles, it is more focused on health. There are techniques and logic behind each needle prick in acupuncture. We are going to explain how acupuncture treatment works. We will look at this from the angle of traditional and orthodox points of view.
The Orthodox View on Acupuncture Treatment
Most experts in orthodox medicine do not really understand the concept of acupuncture and just dismiss it. However, even though most of the studies on acupuncture have been dismissed on the grounds of poor quality, the National Institute of Health in the USA has found evidence that acupuncture treatment can be used for dental pain and nausea. It does not stop there, they also found out that acupuncture treatment is useful for things far more than they can imagine. So, they know acupuncture is effective for many things, but they are yet to find out what those things are. There are even documents on acupuncture in the World Health Organization (WHO). Some of their theories are that acupuncture stimulates the same receptors as opioids like morphine and works in a similar way – except that acupuncture is not addictive. Others think it overloads the nerves and blocks pain, others think it improves blood flow, and so on. There are many theories to acupuncture by modern medicine, but they are yet to come to an agreement. However, they are starting to find out that acupuncture works.
The Traditional Point of View
This point of view gives you an insight into what an actual practitioner of acupuncture thinks about acupuncture treatment. In other words, this is how acupuncture should be explained. Your body is not just made of skin, bones, and your internal organs and tissues like your brain and so on. You also have energy flowing through your body. This energy is called Qi. Now, just like your blood, this Qi must keep flowing around your body for you to be healthy. Qi is not actually your blood but it is more like invisible liquid energy that flows around your body (that is as simple as we can define qi). There are two principles that control the flow of Qi. These principles are said to be equal but opposite to each other. For Qi to flow well through your body, these principles must be balanced. They are the Yin and Yang. Yin is more like a slow, passive cold energy principle while Yang is a hot, active, and exciting principle. There has to be a balance between Yin and Yang for a person to be healthy. However, one question remains – we know that you need Qi to keep flowing around your body and the principles (Yin and Yang) responsible for the flow of Qi have to be balanced in order for you to have good health – however, how does Qi flow through our body? Does it just flow through the body like water flowing into an empty cup? Or, does it flow through channels? The simple answer to that is that it flows through channels. These channels are called meridians and channels. The meridians are like lines connecting different acupuncture points. These lines may or may not be straight.
There are more than 2000 different acupuncture points so we guess you probably do not want us to name them here. However, there are about 20 meridians. 12 major meridians the arms and foot and 8 secondary meridians. These meridians are connected to the principals. For the major meridians, there are 3 yin meridians in the arms and legs making 6 yin meridians overall, and there are 3 Yang meridians in the arms and legs each making 6 yang meridians. Together, these make the 12 meridians. Now, these meridians are connected with the organs of the body which are in turn connected with 5 elements. These elements are water, fire, earth, metal, and wood. Between the fingers/toes and elbows/knees are very sensitive points called the five Shu points. The meridians along these points are very unstable and can easily change polarity from yin to yang and vice versa. This can affect organs like the intestines, stomach, and peritoneum gallbladder and can be used to treat the conditions of these organs. If we are to join the elements with the meridians and organs, we would have something like this:
The 3 yin meridian points of the arm are the lung (metal), heart (fire) and pericardium (fire), the yang points of the arm are the large intestine (metal), small intestine (fire), and triple energizer (fire). In the legs, the yin points spleen (earth), kidney (water), and liver (wood), while the yang points are the stomach (earth), bladder (water), and gallbladder (wood). We see that the concepts of qi as energy and yin and yang as balances and the energies which are fire, water, earth, wood, and metals are all interrelated to keep your body working properly. The needles are inserted along with specific points called acupoints across the meridians in the body. The effect of this is to either dampen or intensify the effects of the yin and yang in the body in regard to the different elements. This goes a long way in treating or even curing diseases.
Acupuncture Session as a Single Segment of Acupuncture Treatment
Before actually starting the treatment, you will have to share some information with your acupuncture provider. The acupuncturist will ask you a couple of questions to establish more details about your type of pain. Moreover, this is the moment when your provider will learn if your body is using its energy properly. From this point on, your provider will search for your meridians and will establish where to insert the needles depending on your suffering. Keep in mind that the session can go from five minutes to an entire hour. So, relax and do not rush out of your provider`s office.
So, you may wonder what it feels like to have needles inserted into your skin. You should know that different people have different experiences with acupuncture treatment. Hence, when the needle is inserted, you may feel a bit numb or sore. The sensations you are experiencing are not reasons to worry because these feelings symbolize that the energy flow is active and intensive.
Use of Acupuncture
Acupuncture treatment is used for various types of pains and diseases. The acupuncture treatment has the power to heal the body and restore its vitality. Numerous studies show how it can deal with nausea, chemotherapy, and post-surgery pain. Also, it is helpful for those that suffered a stroke because it helps in regaining the skills lost due to brain damage. Furthermore, it is recommended for those that are suffering from low back pain. It allows the area to relieve the tension which leads to increased mobility. There are a couple of studies that show how patients felt better with each session. It discovered that patients experienced milder back pains until the pain disappeared entirely. The interesting use of acupuncture is for drug addiction. After the withdrawal, the patient may experience severe symptoms. This practice diminished the appearance of those and helped in preventing a possible relapse. This is the main reason why more and more researchers are interested in the relationship between addiction and acupuncture.
The Benefits of Acupuncture
Treatment involves needles being inserted to specific active points of skin is a sort of Eastern all-encompassing prescription that was discovered over 5000 years old. There is evidence that it was practiced by the ancient Egyptians. It utilizes a remarkable framework to analyze any unevenness the body may have and utilizes explicit focuses on the body so as to reestablish and recapture balance. By utilizing this strategy for remedial mediation, acupuncture enables us to treat a wide assortment of diseases. Today, in China and Taiwan there are more than 232,000 customary Chinese restorative specialists rehearsing acupuncture. In America, there are in excess of 8000 qualified acupuncturists, 16 acupuncture schools, and 2 medicinal schools educating acupuncture. As a treatment, it’s acknowledged and rehearsed around the world.
Studies have indicated numerous benefits from acupuncture:
- It animates the release of incredible torment executing and calming substances from the mind.
- It changes the manner in which your cerebrum reacts to torment and can adjust the inner organ capacity to treat numerous unpredictable illnesses.
- Its basic impact involves the unwinding of contracted muscles and increment in the bloodstream.
What Ailments Would this Method be Able to Treat?
A method where needles are embedded to interfere with the nerve pathways that send pain messages to the brain. In any case, acupuncture is significantly more than this. It’s intended to get any ailment and works to balance the energy of your whole body.
In light of clinical experience, it’s realized that acupuncture can treat an assortment of respiratory, eye and mouth, gastrointestinal, neurological, and solid issues. It’s particularly powerful on cerebral pains, headaches,s and back pain. Acupuncture is likewise used to quit smoking, get fit, lower blood pressure, nervousness, sleep deprivation, allergies, asthma, reduce skin disorder, and relieve constipation.
How can it treat every one of these illnesses? It works by ‘unblocking’ and adjusting your energy ‘circuits’. Furthermore, in contrast to conventional medications, there are just beneficial side effects, for example, resting better, more energy, more profound breathing, and numerous different rewards.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Chinese Needle therapy signifies ‘to puncture with a needle. Fine, flexible needles, about the width of a human hair, are embedded into points along the key meridians of your body. Your body has a system of energy channels or ‘meridians’ in which your ‘ki’ flows. Every meridian is related to a physiological framework and an interior organ.
There are 12 essential meridians that run the length of your body and everyone has in excess of 350 acupuncture focuses. Acupuncture focuses are explicit areas along the meridians. Embedding a needle into a point will ‘unblock’ or animate the energy moving through the meridian in a truly unsurprising and dignified way.
What Occurs Amid an Acupuncture Treatment Session?
This method is all pieces of a belief and routine with regards to TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, which utilizes a complex system of pulse and tongue diagnosis. A qualified acupuncturist will likewise check the ‘palpation’ of the acupuncture points or meridians, your therapeutic history, and some other signs or side effects of turmoil.
The treatment is effortless and the inclusion of the needles can feel like a creepy insect nibble or small prick. If you are very sensitive, you will feel warmth or energy flow and is frequently labeled as a ‘buzz’.
Now and then, moxibustion is utilized to increase the warmth impact at the inclusion point. A Chinese herb, ‘Moxa’, is set on the needle and lit. This can invigorate the bloodstream and additionally the ‘chi’.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
It’s not possible for anyone to anticipate the variations that will follow. Your body will do what it needs to do to recuperate itself. However, the recuperating procedure begins with skillful determination and the right incitement of exact acupuncture points. Acupuncture will regularly compliment customary western prescription, and in the hands of a prepared and legitimately qualified acupuncturist, you are impeccably sheltered. What’s more, for some individuals it is charming as well.
Despite the fact that the Chinese may have delighted in the advantages of acupuncture for a long time, the heritage of disclosures by men, for example, Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld implies we would all be able to profit from this awesome treatment. If you’re uncertain of how or where to begin, consult with a certified reflexologist or acupuncturist. An expert can show where and how to apply pressure appropriately. Although acupuncture is known to be beneficial to many problems, taking your meds is also very important. But while it may not dispense with your symptoms, it could ease them. So it might be worth an attempt, particularly with regards to the constant pain.
Usually, it is considered a safe practice. Keep in mind that acupuncture should be performed by a provider certified in this field. Moreover, the certification assures you will benefit from the best care. There are no side effects documented. As usual, it is best to talk to your doctor before opting for this type of treatment.
Best Acupuncture Near Me
If you live in Philadelphia and searching for the best acupuncturist near me you found the right place.
Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic is a place where you can benefit from this kind of therapy. The clinic represents the best traditions of Philadelphia community acupuncture.
Dr. Tsan is a certified and accredited acupuncturist who is specializing in integrative medicine. He is the medical director of the clinic supervising all treatments. Hence, here you will benefit from the best acupuncture in Philadelphia under his strict supervision. When it comes to your health, professionalism is all that matters. So, contact our clinic and make an appointment and take advantage of the extraordinary skills of Dr. Tsan. You will be amazed at how well you will feel after a few sessions.