Holistic Evaluation

Victor Tsan Homeopathic Physician Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Victor Tsan, CHP, is the founder of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. Victor Tsan began his medical career when he graduated with honors from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR in the spring of 1976. After this initial success, Victor pursued his first internship in Psychotherapy at 1st... more

Holistic evaluation is a form of medical evaluation that along with traditional techniques (anamnesis gathering, percussion, palpation, auscultation, and laboratory testing) includes specific features not used by traditional physicians. In recent years, there’s been an enormous surge in people resorting to holistic medicine. Many people often can’t find effective treatment for their condition. Many times, it's because practitioners are unable to get to the root of the problem. Unlike allopathic treatments, holistic medicine doesn’t focus only on the symptoms. Instead, holistic medicine takes into consideration the whole person making it possible to find effective and long-term treatment.

Holistic evaluation is an integral part of holistic medicine. Before starting treatment, a holistic doctor does a thorough holistic evaluation to get to the core issue and find an effective remedy. However, it’s much more complicated than you’d think. 

What Is Holistic Medicine and Why Holistic Evaluation Is More Informative Than Traditional

Holistic medicine is a quest for optimal health and wellness by focusing on your whole self-emotions, spirit, mind, and body. Holistic medicine believes that you can gain optimal health through proper balance in life. It puts forward that you are composed of interdependent parts, and if one part isn’t functioning optimally, the other parts will be affected as well. As such, if you experience imbalances (spiritual, emotional, or physical) in your life, it can have negative consequences for your life.

Unlike allopathic treatments, holistic medicine doesn’t pump your body full of medications but instead encourages the natural healing process of your body. Due to this, holistic medicine has minimal or no known side effects. Holistic medicine principles include:

  • The patient is not a disease but a person
  • Everyone has innate healing powers
  • Healing is a team effort involving the doctor and patient, and evaluation of every aspect of a person’s life is undertaken using various healthcare practices
  • Holistic treatment doesn’t just focus on the symptoms but fixing the core issue of the condition

Holistic evaluation is a core component of holistic treatment.

Holistic evaluation – Features and Techniques

Holistic evaluation is, first and foremost, a medical assessment and is even more complicated as it goes beyond physical health. It also takes into consideration spiritual, mental, and psychological health. The doctor builds a relationship through open and therapeutic conversations. Holistic doctors are trained to make the entire process supportive and non-judgemental to recognize that the patient’s diet, stress levels, and relationship problems can often aggravate various ailments as well.

Through effective holistic evaluation, your doctor will be able to gain important information for the diagnosis, formulation, and implementation of the treatment plan. Treatment is formulated in accordance with the patient’s preferences and preserves their dignity. It’s a very comprehensive process. It's also important to note that in holistic evaluation, the focus is not given only to the current symptoms but your medical history as well. This makes it possible to find a permanent solution to your condition.

The holistic evaluation consists of the following aspects:

  • Physiological: A complete physical assessment
  • Cultural: This involves discussion of particular diets or culture-specific diets
  • Sociological: Discussion about your family and who can assist you at home
  • Psychological: Examine potential stressors that might aggravate the ailment
  • Developmental: Determine how cognitive and psychological development may affect your response to the health condition
  • Spiritual: Queries about spiritual and religious practices and determine if care needs to be modified according to the practices

As can be seen, holistic evaluation is an in-depth and comprehensive process. Unlike conventional treatments, the holistic evaluation doesn’t last just a few minutes. In fact, it can stretch for more than an hour. Holistic doctors are trained to pay utmost attention to even the smallest details. This is why holistic treatments provide results even when conventional treatments fail to do so.

Various testing as a part of the holistic alternative evaluation

Holistic medicine, as mentioned above, takes into consideration the entire person. As such, holistic evaluation often incorporates various testing to unearth the root cause of the illness and find an effective solution. The permanent result is always the goal of holistic medicine. Various testing’s include:

Pulse diagnostic – one of the most informative parts of the alternative evaluation

In Chinese and Holistic medicinePulse diagnostic is an essential component. It is used to check various functions, most important being the patient’s qi and blood.

Through this diagnosis, holistic doctors can determine parts of your body that are experiencing blockages of qi. This diagnosis is very useful in assessing the condition of particular internal organs. The exact number of pulses is yet to be ascertained. However, practitioners generally recognize about two dozen of pulses.

Tongue Diagnostic – #1 holistic testing

In holistic medicine, tongue diagnostics is very important as well. Practitioners will consider your tongue’s color, shape, and coating. This Chinese diagnosis of the tongue involves examining particular areas of your tongue.

For health conditions like cancer and rheumatoid arthritistongue diagnostics is very helpful. It’s also effective in reflecting the health of the stomach, spleen, and tongue coating can be used to determine acute illness. After diagnostics, practitioners proceed with holistic treatments like acupuncture and homeopathy.

Iridology – Most popular and well-known diagnostic technique of holistic evaluation

Practitioners of holistic medicine also utilize Iridology to determine the patient’s health. It’s not a new concept; in fact, Iridology has been in practice for more than 3000 years. Since each section of the iris directly correlates to a particular internal organ, Iridology can unearth hereditary factors of degenerative conditions way before diagnostic testing can reveal or symptoms occur. In preventive healthcare, Iridology can be extremely beneficial. After the Iridology diagnosis, alternative treatments like herbs, acupuncture, and homeopathy are prescribed. If you’re looking for Iridology near me, make sure the practitioner is well-experienced and trained.

3D-NLS Diacom Diagnostic –  Sensitive Imago

This SensitivImago test aka Sensitive Imago or 3D NLS diagnostic is the latest in alternative healthcare. For a holistic diagnostic session, this treatment uses headphones to transfer sonar light waves through your eardrums to your brain. It's completely pain-free, safe, and non-invasive. All you have to do is put on the specially made headphone, relax and wait for the session to be over. It examines your brain stem’s electromagnetic waves, which present a full informational picture of your health condition. Not only does it show your current condition but also the condition of your body in the past. What makes it truly impressive is that it can even predict your organ state for the next 3-5 years. 

Sensitive Imago Allows to identify:
  • The most affected systems and organs in your body
  • Existence, manifestation, and activity of pathological developments
  • Existence and commotion of bacteria and viruses
  • The sensitivity of your immune system to impurities, allergens, food seasonings, etc.
  • Sensitivity to energy-informational loads
  • Presumable genetic tendencies
Health-improving potentials of Sensitiv Imago:
  • Discrete choice of health-improving remedies
  • Frequency-wave modification of Yin-Yan energy stability distractions
  • Whole-body sanitization from pollutants, contaminants, and allergens
  • Offsetting of energy-informational problem


As illustrated above, the traditional physical examination doesn’t provide such a deep and intensive inspection of your health that holistic evaluation does. Unlike allopathic and traditional diagnostic, during the holistic alternative evaluation, various steps are initiated to find the origin of your illness. After that, treatment is personalized to target your specific condition. Not only can holistic medicine provide a remedy for your current condition but prevent future health problems as well.

All holistic evaluation approaches are available at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic directed by the medical doctor, Victor Tsan.

If, like many other people, you prefer an old-fashion comprehensive holistic evaluation which will include all necessary testing and will show you the road to recovery, call Philadelphia Holistic Clinic and schedule your appointment with Dr. Tsan