Natural Treatment for Neck Pain

Victor Tsan Homeopathic Physician Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Victor Tsan, CHP, is the founder of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. Victor Tsan began his medical career when he graduated with honors from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR in the spring of 1976. After this initial success, Victor pursued his first internship in Psychotherapy at 1st... more

Treatment for neck pain is always a challenge. There are several treatments for neck pain. Medications like over-the-counter pain relievers (OTC) and anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen can help manage pain.

If neck pain is severe, your doctor may consider prescribing pain relievers to manage the pain. Both OTC medicines and prescription pain relievers can have side effects that include liver damage, stomach bleeding, ulcers, addiction, and dangerous interactions with other medications.

However, medications are not the only way to deal with neck pain. There are other treatments for neck pain like the natural treatment that has no side effects and it is effective in the treatment of neck pain.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common complaint, affecting nearly everyone at some point in time. When neck pain comes suddenly with intensity, it is considered acute. This can be a simple crick or, more seriously, muscular rheumatism or facet syndrome. The degree of pain in the neck can range from mild discomfort to a burning, severe sensation.

Any neck pain that lasts for three months or longer is considered chronic, and it may be indicative of a serious medical situation. Both men and women have pain in the neck, but women have the condition more frequently.

Causes of Neck Pain

Several factors can result in neck pain, including wrong postures, sleeping in an awkward position, working on computers for long hours, tension and stress, accidents. However, in some serious cases, the underlying neck pain causes can be a deformed spine, whiplash injuries, and even a tumor or infection.

Other neck pain causes include:

  • Muscle strains. Overuse, such as too many hours hunched over your computer or smartphone, often triggers muscle strains. Even minor things, such as reading in bed or gritting your teeth, can strain neck muscles.
  • Worn joints. Just like the other joints in your body, your neck joints tend to wear down with age. Osteoarthritis causes the cushions (cartilage) between your bones (vertebrae) to deteriorate. Your body then forms bone spurs that affect joint motion and cause pain.
  • Nerve compression. Herniated disks or bone spurs in the vertebrae of your neck can press on the nerves branching out from the spinal cord.
  • Rear-end auto collisions often result in whiplash injury, which occurs when the head is jerked backward and then forward, straining the soft tissues of the neck.
  • Certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, or cancer, can cause neck pain.

Note: Generally, neck pain is nothing to worry about, but if it’s occurring with other, more serious symptoms, such as radiating pain, weakness, or numbness of an arm or leg, make sure to see your doctor. “Other key things that might make one more concerned are having a fever or weight loss associated with your neck pain, or severe pain. Keep reading to get information on the different treatment options available for neck pain.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

The main symptoms of neck pain are:

  • Muscle Ache: When you have a neck injury, your muscles tend to try to protect the area and they will become very tight as a result. You may have knots in the muscles, which are otherwise known as trigger points and these will be sore to touch. It is possible to have them in different parts of the neck depending on the injury that you suffered.
  • Muscle Spasm: Spasms are common in neck pain sufferers. It is a sudden involuntary contraction of muscles and results in pain and stiffness. Often once you have muscle spasms you will get the sensation that your neck is locked as the muscles are trying to protect the area, which results in the tightness mentioned above.
  • Stiffness of the neck: This is common as a result of the above two symptoms. Once your neck gets tight, you will find it very hard to move and you will get a feeling of stiffness. When you spend a long time in one position, as it is painful to move, the problem will be even more exaggerated.
  • Nerve Pain: This can commonly cause pain down the arms and also the legs. You will often feel a sensation of pins and needles and you may also feel tingling in your arms. It is not uncommon to have numbing in your arms, burning, or weakness. Often it will be exaggerated at nighttime. Nerve pain can come because the muscles place pressure on them, and cause problems.
  • Headaches: Neck pain causes headache. Headache is one of the most common symptoms of neck pain. Usually, you will experience a dull aching style of headache, rather than sharp pain. The headaches can often be felt at the back of your head where the neck muscles attach, however, the pain can radiate to the side and less commonly to the front of the head.
  • Decreased Range Of Motion: Since you will have a lot of tightness and stiffness in the neck it is very common to also lose a lot of range of motion. Depending on the side of your neck that is affected, you often find that you cannot turn your head to the side without pain. You may even feel limited in how far forward you can bend your neck, and how far you can tilt your head back.
  • Dizziness: It is also possible that you will feel dizziness from your neck pain, and this can occur due to the position detectors in your neck joints, which are the cervical vertebrae being injured.

Natural Treatment for Neck Pain

Natural treatment for neck pain is effective and causes no side effects. Listed below are different approaches to a natural treatment for neck pain.

Home remedies for neck pain – most popular natural treatment for neck pain

Home remedies for neck pain offer a safe and effective approach to remedying your symptoms. You might have to experiment a few times before finding the right one. There are several home remedies for effective neck pain. Listed below are home remedies for neck pain:

Hot or cold compress for neck pain

This is a very popular and easy remedy for dealing with neck pain. A cold or hot compress can provide you with quick relief from neck pain. It also numbs the pain. Place a cold or hot compress on the affected area for about 10 minutes at a time. Repeat this process 2-3 times per day for quick relief from pain symptoms. However, if your neck pain is severe, you should opt for ice as a hot compress might exacerbate the symptoms.

Gentle stretches

Some forms of neck pain or muscle tightness are alleviated with gentle range-of-motion stretches. If a particular movement or stretch exacerbates pain, stop and try another movement instead.

Mindful meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation may help relax the body, reduce pain, or give a sense of more control over the pain. Various methods are available, such as controlled breathing exercises and distraction techniques.

Make some ergonomic adjustments

Position your computer monitor at eye level so you can see it easily. Use the hands-free function on your phone or wear a headset. Prop your tablet on a pillow so that it sits at a 45° angle, instead of lying flat on your lap.

Don’t use too many pillows

Sleeping with several pillows under your head can stifle your neck’s range of motion.

Apple Cider Vinegar – popular natural treatment for neck pain (ACV)

If you’re looking for natural remedies for neck pain, apple cider vinegar is a great choice. Since ACV is potent in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it can be very effective in dealing with muscle pain and stress. You can use this home remedy in the following ways:

  • Making tea
  • Adding a few cups of ACV into a warm bath
  • Soaking a paper towel with ACV and applying it to the affected area twice a day

This can be an excellent remedy for dealing with mild or moderate neck pain. However, if your condition is severe or chronic, you might want to try stronger alternatives.

Epsom Salt – effective treatment for neck pain

Epsom salt contains various health benefits when it is absorbed through your skin. The sulfate and magnesium present in Epsom salt contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help in alleviating neck pain. You can use Epsom salt for neck pain in the following ways:

  • Soaking your neck with Epsom salt for about 15-20 minutes per day
  • Having a warm bath with Epsom salt

However, if you’re suffering from heart conditions, high blood pressure, or diabetes, it’s not recommended for you to use Epsom salt.

Essential oils – great natural treatment for neck pain

Essential oils for neck pain are also very effective natural remedies. Essential oils for neck pain are very gentle and can provide numerous benefits. For effective essential oil for neck pain treatment, take a few drops of lavender oil or peppermint and mix with coconut oil. Apply it to the affected area and massage for a few minutes with this concoction. It has minimal or no side effects. Additionally, using it with other natural and alternative methods like acupuncture for neck pain can enhance the effects.

Exercise Program – an essential part of any natural treatment for neck pain

Exercises for neck pain are a common part of almost any treatment for neck pain. A typical neck exercise program will consist of a combination of stretching and strengthening exercises, aerobic conditioning, and possibly trigger point exercises.

Listed below are exercises for neck pain:

  • Neck stretches: Flexibility and stretching exercises can expand or preserve the range of motion and elasticity in affected cervical (neck) joints, and thus relieve the stiffness that accompanies pain. As a general rule, neck stretching is best done every day, and some stretches can be done several times a day.
  • Neck strengthening: Specific strengthening exercises can help maintain improved posture, which in turn can lessen or eliminate recurrent flare-ups of pain. As a general rule, neck strengthening exercises should be done every other day to allow muscles time to repair themselves.
  • Aerobic exercise: Commonly called “cardio,” is fueled by a steady intake of oxygen and keeps the heart rate and breathing levels elevated for the duration of the workout. Aerobic exercises increase blood flow to the muscles and soft tissues of the neck and upper back, which can help loosen the muscles and increase the range of motion. Also, after about 30 or more minutes of aerobic exercise, the body’s natural painkillers called endorphins are released and can help reduce neck pain.

Yoga for Neck Pain – ancient Indian natural treatment for neck pain

Yoga for neck pain is helpful to stretch and strengthen the muscles in and around the neck that tend to be either contracted or elongated when we move our necks out of neutral alignment. Try to practice each yoga pose with mindfulness and only move within your limits. Consistency and patience are key factors to reducing neck pain, so take it slow. Listed below are yoga pose that is effective to relieve neck pain:

  • Neck Stretches with Strap: Come to a seated position and place a strap or resistance band around the base of your skull. Holding either side of the strap and extend your arms forward. Relax your shoulders and make “Egyptian-like” movements, moving your head forward and back for 60 seconds.
  • Seated Neck Stretches: Come to a comfortable seat with a long spine and relaxed shoulders. Drop your chin to your chest and avoid rounding your shoulders forward. Hold here for 5 breaths, stretching the extensor muscles in your neck. Rotate your head to the right so that your right ear comes toward your right shoulder and holds for 5 breaths. To add a little more stretch, bring your left palm to the floor alongside your left hip and hold for 5 more breaths. Return your chin to your chest repeat on the left side.
  • Thoracic Extension on the Foam Roller: Come on to your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lie on a foam roller, so that your mid rib cage area (bra strap line) rests on the foam roller. Interlace your fingers behind your head and keep your neck in a neutral position. Lift your hips and roll the foam roller toward your neck and then back to your mid rib cage. Roll between these two areas for about 30 seconds, then release and place the foam roller to the side. When you’ve finished, lie on your back and feel the blood flow and release of the connective tissue in your neck.
  • Supported Fish Pose: Recline over either a block, a rolled-up yoga mat, a pillow, a rolled-up blanket, a stack of books, or a yoga wheel. Place whichever object you’re using directly underneath your thoracic spine (the bottom of the object should touch the bottom tip of your shoulder blades) so that your chest expands upward toward the sky in a supported backbend. You can allow your arms to release toward your hips, you can open your arms out wide into a T-shape, or you can reach your arms up over your head (each option will stretch a different part of your pectoral muscles, so choose whichever feels best or even work all three!). Relax your weight completely into the object you are reclined over and surrender muscular control. Hold for about 3-5 minutes, maintaining deep breathing.

Homeopathy – highly effective and safe natural treatment for neck pain

Homeopathy for neck pain also offers verities of remedies. It is a very holistic approach that takes into account various factors to determine the best solution for you. There is no single remedy, and medicines are prescribed only after the homeopath carries out a full evaluation of your medical history and current condition. This makes it possible to find long-term relief from neck pain. It can be especially helpful for chronic pain sufferers.

Homeopathy for neck pain generally includes the following remedies: Calcarea Phosphorica, Colocynth, Kalmia, Ranunculus Bulbous, Cimicifuga, and Rhus Toxicodendron.

If you don’t want homeopathic remedies in pill form, injections are also available that can provide instant relief. This method is known as Homeosiniatry. They are completely natural and can provide effective pain relief for any affected area of your body. Based on your condition, homeopathic injections are delivered at acupuncture or trigger points.

Massage – one of the best methods of treatment for neck pain.

Just like acupuncture, massage for neck pain is also an excellent natural remedy. By targeting affected areas, massage for neck pain can effectively loosen your muscles and release your body’s natural painkillers. It can take several sessions to see results. However, regular sessions of massage for neck pain can not only help with pain symptoms but promote overall well-being.

Massage for neck pain can soothe muscle tension and spasms, reducing pain and promoting relaxation. Some people may prefer self-massage or a massage from a willing friend or partner, whereas others may find more relief when massage is performed by a trained professional.

Note: Massage for neck pain provide relief when combined with your doctor’s recommended treatments.

Acupuncture – Traditional Chinese natural treatment for neck pain

Acupuncture for neck pain is the most effective and absolutely safe scientific medical approach. Suffering from neck pain can be challenging, and it can interfere with your daily activities as well as prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. In the U.S. alone, 30% of adults experience neck pain every year. For alleviating neck pain symptoms, home remedies, and alternative treatments like acupuncture for neck pain can prove to be very beneficial.

These treatments cause minimal or no side effects and are a safer approach. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into various points on your body. Studies have found that acupuncture for neck pain may be helpful to relieve neck pain.

A certified acupuncturist places thin needles into specific points on the skin based on the pain type and/or suspected cause. When treating neck pain, the needles may be placed in the neck and/or elsewhere on the body with the belief that unblocking stagnant energy (qi) can promote healing. For best results, you may need to undergo several acupuncture sessions. Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by a certified practitioner using sterile needles.

Due to the prevalence of computers and smartphones, neck pain cases have seen a rapid rise in recent years. In fact, looking down at your laptop, smartphone, and other gadgets is the most common factor for neck pain. It compels you to a hunched position, which in turn puts a strain on your soft tissues and muscles of your neck.

Other factors that can lead to neck pain include:

  • Spinal or neck injury
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Repetitive neck motion
  • Stress
  • Clenched jaw
  • Poor posture

There are various alternative treatments and home remedies for neck pain that can be very useful in mitigating your neck pain.

Neck Pain Acupuncture – effective and safe holistic approach to treatment for neck pain

Acupuncture for neck pain is a holistic and very effective treatment for neck pain. Extensive research has been conducted on the efficacy of neck pain acupuncture. It is particularly useful for chronic pain. This ancient Chinese technique moves qi and stagnant blood, reduces swelling and pain we well as minimizes pain in the affected area. It can also re-educate your body to stop the developed inflammatory pattern.

You may need several sessions of acupuncture for neck pain before results are seen. It is predominantly safe and can provide results where even conventional treatments fail to do so. Combined with other alternative treatments like herbal remedies and homeopathy, the benefits can be further enhanced.


Many people suffer from neck pain, and it is becoming increasingly prevalent. Generally, neck pain is not dangerous, and the symptoms can go away by themselves. You can resort to natural and alternative treatments like acupuncture for neck pain if you want an effective resolution without the side effects associated with conventional treatments. They are also significantly cheaper, and you might be surprised by the results.

Home and natural remedies results vary from person to person. You might have to experiment with a few before finding the most suitable one. If your neck pain still doesn’t mitigate these symptoms, you should see a medical practitioner as there might be more significant problems underneath.

For natural treatment for neck pain in general and for acupuncture for neck pain, in particular, chose Philadelphia Holistic clinic and contact us to schedule your appointment for an alternative holistic evaluation with Dr. Tsan.