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Raegan Lima


Raegan Lima is an acupuncturist practicing in Eureka, CA. Dr. Lima evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM encompasses 5 major medical modalities: acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, myofascial release, and energetic medicine. TCM practitioners complete their evaluations by getting a patient's medical history and doing a complete review of symptoms. A single modality or a combination of modalities may be used during treatment, depending on the nature and severity of the condition. Dr. Lima specializes in treating women's health, pain management, mental/emotional wellness, and facial rejuvenation for the reduction of acne, scarring, and wrinkles. Traditional Chinese medicine is capable of treating a number of different body systems, symptoms and diseases alike. 
6 years Experience
Raegan Lima
  • Eureka, CA
  • Five Branches University
  • Accepting new patients

Can acupuncture help neuropathy in feet?

Yes it can, it may take a series of treatments and some lifestyle changes.

Pain from acupuncture slippers?

That does not sound like acupuncture to me, unless needles are being inserted by a licensed acupuncturist. I would discontinue use and see an actual acupuncturist.

Can acupuncture help the flu?

Yes, it definitely can.

Can acupressure cure diseases?

Legally, acupuncturists cannot claim that acupuncture cures any disease. However, it can help reduce or manage symptoms you’re experiencing.

Does acupressure points really work?

They can and do, yes. Some are better than others because certain channels and their points lie deeper in the body than others, so some points are more easily accessible.

How are acupuncture needles removed from your ear?

They are simply pulled out like any other needle inserted in the skin.

How many acupuncture treatments are needed for sciatica?

Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. It is hard to say exactly without knowing the duration and severity of what’s going on. As a general rule of thumb, I advise people to give READ MORE

Thank you for your inquiry. It is hard to say exactly without knowing the duration and severity of what’s going on. As a general rule of thumb, I advise people to give it at least 3-6 treatments before they start seeing good results, though it can and often does happen quicker than that. After doing the intake during the initial consultation, I’d be able to give you a more concrete treatment plan.
Hope that helps!

Dr. Raegan K. Lima, D.T.C.M., L.Ac.