Farzam Afshar
Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Farzam Afshar is a naturopathic physician practicing in Houston, TX. Dr. Afshar specializes in proactive prevention and treatment. Dr. Afshar combines holistic healing methods with traditional solutions to medical illness. Providing both individual and family care, the most common ailments treated are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, obesity, heart disease, fertility, menopause, cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. Naturopathic Physicians place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to the broad spectrum of remedies available.
10 years
Farzam Afshar
- Houston, TX
- Accepting new patients
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Is it true that naturopathy medicines only work with the right diet?
Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the establishment of internal health by providing the right vitamins and minerals (nutrients) so that biochemical activity is optimal. This biochemical READ MORE
Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the establishment of internal health by providing the right vitamins and minerals (nutrients) so that biochemical activity is optimal. This biochemical activity occurs in the cells and therefore if you can provide the cells with the fuel they need, they will actively work to restore health. To answer your question, diet is important because it is what breaks down and provides nutrients to help restore that balance. As Naturopathic Physicians, we work heavily on the nutrition realm to establish this groundwork in the hopes that as the cells get the fuel they need that they will repair the areas of concern. We couple this with botanicals which often target the organs to further help as well as providing lifestyle recommendations to reach the optimal health goals. In summary, there is a lot that can be done without the dietary component, but that would leave us practicing as green "allopaths" rather than naturopaths. When you use diet, lifestyle, and nutraceuticals together you get the best results, so does the right diet help the medicine Naturopathic Physicians prescribe, YES. Is it the ONLY way that Naturopathic Medicine will work, NO!
Should I take my daughter to a naturopathic physician for her pain during her period?
Naturopathic Physicians are trained as primary care providers in accredited medical schools. The education received consists both of conventional medicine and evidence-based alternative READ MORE
Naturopathic Physicians are trained as primary care providers in accredited medical schools. The education received consists both of conventional medicine and evidence-based alternative and complementary medicines. All the systems of the body are covered in the curriculum including Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Endocrinology. Your daughter may benefit from seeing a Naturopathic Physician who has a special interest in the system areas listed above. Naturopathic Medicine could be helpful for menstrual pain and regulation.
Is immunization a part of naturopathy medicine?
I want to start off by saying how wonderful it is that you are open to evidence-based natural treatments for your son. Every day people are experiencing the amazing benefits Nature READ MORE
I want to start off by saying how wonderful it is that you are open to evidence-based natural treatments for your son. Every day people are experiencing the amazing benefits Nature has to offer us backed by our scientific knowledge of it. With that being said, many people think Naturopathic medicine is anti vaccines or immunizations, and this is simply not true. Naturopathic medicine is a form of medicine that covers training in conventional medicine, alternative and complementary medicines, pharmaceuticals, and minor surgeries. We are taught about immunizations at our medical schools and administer them, too. At the end of the day, we are trained as physicians and we adhere to our oath of "first do no harm." Whereas most physicians will do the immunization and leave it at that, Naturopathic physicians look at the body holistically and look at areas where we can support the patient's body and immune system. We provide lifestyle, diet, and nutraceutical counseling to support the patient towards optimal health. We have many wonderful evidence-based natural therapeutics which allow us to support our patients both preventatively and during an active cold and/or flu, with or without a cough.
What is the best natural herb for anxiety?
Anxiety can be debilitating and present with many signs and symptoms such as nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, feeling tired or weak, trouble concentrating, READ MORE
Anxiety can be debilitating and present with many signs and symptoms such as nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, feeling tired or weak, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, gastrointestinal problems, and difficulty controlling worry to list a few. Each patient's case is unique and their presentation coupled with their history aid the doctor in deciding which pharmaceutical or nutraceutical/supplement is ideal for helping with anxiety. To give you a better understanding, pharmaceuticals normally have one active component which often has been synthesized from a natural source. Botanical nutraceuticals/supplements on the other hand could have hundreds of active components or phytochemicals and these are unique to that botanical. When a patient comes in presenting with anxiety and their presentation is trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, and gastrointestinal issues the doctor may prescribe one natural herb while another patient who may present with increased heart rate, nervousness, and rapid breathing a completely different natural herb. This is why it is so important to visit a Naturopathic Physician to help in pairing you with the most beneficial natural herb. With that being said, some beneficial natural herbs for anxiety are ashwagandha, chamomile, valerian, lavender, galphimia g., passionflower, and kava kava.
***The information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical or professional advice. It should not be used for diagnosing and/or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or advice. If you have or suspect you might have any health problems, please consult a physician.***
***The information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical or professional advice. It should not be used for diagnosing and/or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or advice. If you have or suspect you might have any health problems, please consult a physician.***
My wife is suffering from adenomyosis. Will ayurvedic medicines be able to help her?
Adenomyosis is where the inner lining of the uterus also called the endometrium expands into the muscle walls of the uterus also called the myometrium. This can result in lower READ MORE
Adenomyosis is where the inner lining of the uterus also called the endometrium expands into the muscle walls of the uterus also called the myometrium. This can result in lower abdominal pressure and bloating prior to menstruation while leading to cramping and heavy bleeding during menstruation. Adenomyosis may find benefits with evidence-based natural medicine therapeutics.