“My wife is suffering from adenomyosis. Will ayurvedic medicines be able to help her?”
Post delivery my wife is suffering from adenomyosis which leaves her extremely weak and tired during the days of her periods. Will ayurvedic medications help her deal with this problem better?
20 Answers
I'm sorry to hear that your wife is suffering. I'm not an expert in Ayurvedic medicine so I cannot be sure but I think it's worth exploring. Or you can try Naturopathic medicine and/or Acupuncture and Herbal medicine as I know they can help with her condition. I recommend you find the local practitioner in your area to work closely with your wife. Hope this helps.
Yoojin Lee-Sedera, ND, OMD
Medical Director
Las Vegas Integrative Medicine
3030 S. Jones Blvd. Suite 107
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Ph. 702.708.2207
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Yoojin Lee-Sedera, ND, OMD
Medical Director
Las Vegas Integrative Medicine
3030 S. Jones Blvd. Suite 107
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Ph. 702.708.2207
Fx. 888.809.4639
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It really depends on what your wife is committed to trying, and the trust and therapeutic relationship she will have with a practitioner. Many holistic therapies - Ayurvedic, Naturopathic, and other traditional therapies - require a shift in mindset, lifestyle and implementing diet and herbs and supplements. All have benefits and should be considered. Does not have to be all at once, but she has to be committed to trying it out herself, as it is her care. Other therapeutics to consider would be constitutional homeopathy, post-partum doula, counseling. The mental emotional physical relationship is important to acknowledge and respect.
Hello there,
I am personally less knowledgeable around ayurvedic medicines, since I am not trained in that medicine. But I do know that Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can be amazingly effective for adenomyosis.
In Health,
Joyce Knieff, ND LAc
I am personally less knowledgeable around ayurvedic medicines, since I am not trained in that medicine. But I do know that Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can be amazingly effective for adenomyosis.
In Health,
Joyce Knieff, ND LAc
I do not have training in Ayurvedic medicine, but in other natural modalities, so I cannot speak for Ayurvedic medicine specifically. Regarding adenomyosis, depending on the severity, natural interventions can likely provide some relief!
Is it confirmed adenomyosis? I don't typically work with ayurvedic medicine specifically so I would not be the best to answer that. However, sometimes underlying hormonal imbalances can trigger that which I frequently treat.
Dear sir,
I do believe that she can manage her symptoms with natural means whether it be through diet or another natural health modality.
I hope this answers your question.
Dr. Houghton
I do believe that she can manage her symptoms with natural means whether it be through diet or another natural health modality.
I hope this answers your question.
Dr. Houghton
An Ayurvedic approach can be helpful with adenomyosis. Acupuncture may also be helpful. There can be hormone imbalances after pregnancy that can be treated with botanical medicine. I look to identify the cause of the issue before determining treatment.
Dr. Krisel Nagallo, NMD
Dr. Krisel Nagallo, NMD
Adenomyosis is where the inner lining of the uterus also called the endometrium expands into the muscle walls of the uterus also called the myometrium. This can result in lower abdominal pressure and bloating prior to menstruation while leading to cramping and heavy bleeding during menstruation. Adenomyosis may find benefits with evidence-based natural medicine therapeutics.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's difficulties with adenomyosis. You specifically are seeking advice on Ayurvedic medications for this. Unfortunately, I am not an Ayurvedic practitioner/expert, however, I would recommend you consult with one as Ayurveda can help with many things! Here are some Ayurvedic practitioner directories where I hope you can find somebody who can answer your question.
Best wishes for you and your wife.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's difficulties with adenomyosis. You specifically are seeking advice on Ayurvedic medications for this. Unfortunately, I am not an Ayurvedic practitioner/expert, however, I would recommend you consult with one as Ayurveda can help with many things! Here are some Ayurvedic practitioner directories where I hope you can find somebody who can answer your question.
Best wishes for you and your wife.
Thank you for your question. Adenomyosis can be triggered postpartum. Supporting through an anti-inflammatory diet and anti-inflammatory herbs can be helpful.
Thank you for your question. Adenomyosis can be triggered postpartum. Supporting through an anti-inflammatory diet and anti-inflammatory herbs can be helpful.
Adenomyosis is driven by elevated Lipopolysaccharides which elevates cytokines and histamine. While I have successfully worked with this with botanical medicine, I personally have never used Ayurvedic medicine specifically.
First, have your blood checked with your physician for deficiencies in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B1, B12 and vitamin D3, and hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelets before doing any treatment.
I do not have any personal experience using Ayurvedic medicine, only western botanicals and Chinese herbs. With that being said, Ayurvedic medicine is similar to (not the same as) Chinese medicine, and it could help with the symptoms your wife is experiencing as well as possibly keep her condition from getting worse. I have not personally worked with any patients with adenomyosis or seen any cases from practitioners I know on a personal basis, but I have seen successful cases with endometriosis and uterine fibroids. These two conditions are not the same as adenomyosis, but a similar protocol would be used.
I do not have any personal experience using Ayurvedic medicine, only western botanicals and Chinese herbs. With that being said, Ayurvedic medicine is similar to (not the same as) Chinese medicine, and it could help with the symptoms your wife is experiencing as well as possibly keep her condition from getting worse. I have not personally worked with any patients with adenomyosis or seen any cases from practitioners I know on a personal basis, but I have seen successful cases with endometriosis and uterine fibroids. These two conditions are not the same as adenomyosis, but a similar protocol would be used.
Diet, nutrition, and plant medicines are most appropriate when dealing with serious physical manifestations of a disease or in your wife's case; a disorder. Although there are Ayurvedic plants (aka those found in India) that can help, more local medicinal plants would be better effective.
I don't practice ayurvedic medicine. I suggest you find a naturopathic doctor who specializes in women's healthcare in your state. You can search for a doctor through the national association portal.
Lori Serra
Naturopathic Physician
I would use highest quality herbal formulas to correct hormonal imbalance.
The real cause could be from environmental toxins from her past or current exposure. Many reasons for hormonal imbalance. Lifestyle is very important, but not always the resolve through nutrition and exercise.
Hope this answers your concern. Life is to be lived abundantly. When the hormones are imbalanced, it really effects happiness!
Lori Dubetz, ND
The real cause could be from environmental toxins from her past or current exposure. Many reasons for hormonal imbalance. Lifestyle is very important, but not always the resolve through nutrition and exercise.
Hope this answers your concern. Life is to be lived abundantly. When the hormones are imbalanced, it really effects happiness!
Lori Dubetz, ND