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Dane Andersen


Dr. Dane Andersen is a Dentist practicing in Vancouver, WA. Dr. Andersen specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Dane Andersen
  • Vancouver, WA
  • Accepting new patients

What is the cheapest way to replace a missing tooth?

This is a very difficult question to answer as there are many factors that affect the decision process. First, one has to determine if they are eligible for the numerous way of READ MORE
This is a very difficult question to answer as there are many factors that affect the decision process. First, one has to determine if they are eligible for the numerous way of replacing a missing tooth. For example, if there are teeth on both sides of the missing one, a fixed "bridge" may be possible. Or, if there is adequate bone and space, a dental implant may be possible to replace the missing tooth. Furthermore, sometimes the "cheapest" option now, is not the cheapest option in the long run. Sometimes an individual may opt for a removable partial denture to replace missing teeth, only to end up not wanting something that comes in and out and paying more later on for a more permanent solution. This is where I urge you to discuss all your viable options with your dentist. Perhaps the dental implant, which will cost more in the short-term, is your best option for the long-term, which may in fact end up being the "cheapest" overall.

What can I take for root canal pain?

Over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen are the recommended medications following dental procedures when there is pain. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for there to be some READ MORE
Over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen are the recommended medications following dental procedures when there is pain. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for there to be some pain following the completion of a root canal treatment and usually begins to subside with 24-48 hours.

Is it okay to wait to start a root canal procedure?

It is always best to follow what is recommended by your dentist. In some cases, it is first necessary to complete a regimen of antibiotics prior to going in for the actual root READ MORE
It is always best to follow what is recommended by your dentist. In some cases, it is first necessary to complete a regimen of antibiotics prior to going in for the actual root canal procedure. This allows time for the antibiotics to take maximum effect and minimize the abscess as much as possible before the appointment. This can help with discomfort as well as help with the effectiveness of the local anesthetic during the procedure.

How long does the pain last after oral cyst surgery?

The duration of pain or discomfort following oral surgery can very greatly. In general however, it is normal for there to be mild to moderate pain in the surgical area for several READ MORE
The duration of pain or discomfort following oral surgery can very greatly. In general however, it is normal for there to be mild to moderate pain in the surgical area for several days following the oral surgery procedure. General soreness can last weeks. The most important thing is to follow the post-op instructions provided by your dentist for care of the healing area. Each day the discomfort should be a little less than the day before.

Can a 12-year-old get Invisalign?

The short answer is YES. Invisalign can be tailored to treat just about any individual. In fact, Invisalign has some features specific to adolescent/teen patients. Keep in mind READ MORE
The short answer is YES. Invisalign can be tailored to treat just about any individual. In fact, Invisalign has some features specific to adolescent/teen patients. Keep in mind that Invisalign, or any other clear aligner system, is only effective if there is excellent patient compliance. Typically this means that the aligners should be work greater than 20 hours per day. Sometimes young patients struggle with the daily wear time. If that is not an issue, then Invisalign can be a wonderful product for your daughter and certainly far more invisible than traditional braces.

Can dental implants cause sore throat?

Having one or more dental implants is not a contributing factor to developing a sore throat. The materials used in both the dental implant and crown that goes on the dental implant READ MORE
Having one or more dental implants is not a contributing factor to developing a sore throat. The materials used in both the dental implant and crown that goes on the dental implant are safe and extremely unlikely to cause any adverse effects on the oral environment. If the sore sore developed after placement of the dental implant, that can simply be associated with having dental work done. Any time we do something out of the ordinary, our body may respond in a number of ways. Holding one's mouth open for an extended period of time, receiving local anesthetic injections, and having a dental implant placed can all be contributing factors of the body responding with a sore throat for a short time. If the sore throat persists or seems excessive, it is always best to consult with your primary care physician.

What is the best pain reliever after a root canal?

For most dental related pain, over-the-counter medication such as Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) is very effective. It is seldom necessary to use prescription strength READ MORE
For most dental related pain, over-the-counter medication such as Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) is very effective. It is seldom necessary to use prescription strength medication following dental treatment. Speak with your doctor about the best way to utilize the over-the-counter medication for the most effective result. The other important factor is time. We all need to remember that there may be discomfort following dental treatment. This is normal. The goal is to manage the discomfort, not remove all discomfort entirely. Only time will allow the body to heal and return to normal.

Does vinegar remove tartar from teeth?

While vinegar can be effective against tough build-up found in showers, toilets and other places with hard water deposits, it is not indicated for removal of tartar from teeth. READ MORE
While vinegar can be effective against tough build-up found in showers, toilets and other places with hard water deposits, it is not indicated for removal of tartar from teeth. The pH of vinegar is 2.5. That means vinegar is highly acidic. Acid can cause harmful irreversible erosion to our teeth. Furthermore, for vinegar to be effective at removing hard water deposits, it typically needs to be left on the unwanted deposits for several minutes. Leaving any acid in prolonged contact with teeth is dangerous and should not be practiced.