Dentist Questions Dentist

Can a 12-year-old get Invisalign?

My daughter is 12 years old. I want to get her teeth straightened. Can a 12-year-old get Invisalign?

9 Answers

The short answer is YES. Invisalign can be tailored to treat just about any individual. In fact, Invisalign has some features specific to adolescent/teen patients. Keep in mind that Invisalign, or any other clear aligner system, is only effective if there is excellent patient compliance. Typically this means that the aligners should be work greater than 20 hours per day. Sometimes young patients struggle with the daily wear time. If that is not an issue, then Invisalign can be a wonderful product for your daughter and certainly far more invisible than traditional braces.
In response to your question, the answer is both "Yes" and "NO". Yes, if all of your daughter's baby teeth are exfoliated. Preferably all of her permanent teeth fully erupt. "NO" if her baby teeth are still present.
Yes. If she can make sure to wear the trays most of the day. The Invisalign trays are removable so some kids intend not to wear them.
It is possible for a 12 year old to get invisalign, however most childeren need the traditional orthodontics. Please consult an orthodontists they will be much better at answering this question after a consult with you and your daughter.
As soon as 10 years it’s fine
Yes they can. There are some indications where braces might be preferred. However, in most cases either braces or Invisalign under the supervision of an Orthodontist can effectively straighten the teeth.
I am not an orthodontist, but I believe in certain mild cases that could be appropriate.
Sure, there is a special kind of Invisalign for teenagers that works with how they are expected to grow. As a general dentist, I refer these adolescent cases to an orthodontist for specialist care from a provider who treats growing teenagers all the time. There may be a general dentist in your area who offers adolescent Invisalign but I would encourage you to see an orthodontist for the best result.
The general answer is yes, but it really depends on the individual. There are many factors involved. Orthodontics on a growing 12 year old not.