Family Dentistry that Will Exceed Your Expectations
<p>Dr. Joe Maltsberger is a Dentist practicing in Oologah, OK. Our state of the art facility was designed by an architect that specializes in making dental offices efficient and friendly for patients. Dr. Maltsberger enjoys providing dentistry for the entire family. Orthodontic care, implant placement and restoration, cosmetic... more
At Innovative Family Dentistry we provide a thorough examination in your mouth to evaluate for cavities, gum disease, cancer, cosmetic issues, orthodontic issues, and other issues that are common in families. Our doctors prepare a power point presentation so that you can understand any problems found and have input into any treatment planned. The front office will provide you with insurance information and calculate the expected cost of the needed treatment that is agreed upon. We do use a lot of innovative techniques that are world class treatments, including utilization of an in-house CT scan allowing us to do cutting edge implant placement including guided surgery. We also provide state of the art digital Avadent Dentures, which have superior fit and amazing strength-no more denture breakage or teeth coming out. We are one of two certified HealthyStart providers in Oklahoma using Ortho-tain treatment for 4-6 year olds which treats sleep disordered breathing and also allows you to bypass conventional orthodontic treatment. Our focus is a long term, healthy correction for your dental problems in a beautiful comfortable environment with no surprises along the way. We intend to exceed your expectations. Check us out at
About Dr. Joe Maltsberger
Dr. Joe Maltsberger is a Dentist practicing in Oologah, OK. Our state of the art facility was designed by an architect that specializes in making dental offices efficient and friendly for patients. Dr. Maltsberger enjoys providing dentistry for the entire family. Orthodontic care, implant placement and restoration, cosmetic dentistry and any other services that are needed by families is provided here in our office. Dr Maltsberger enjoys working with sleep disabled children starting at 4 years of age. We also provide comprehensive orthodontic care and orthotain treatment for our younger patients.
A major emphasis in our office is careful and accurate up front planning followed by excellent communication including fees, insurance, and photos of expected final results are all accomplished with every new patient that joins our practice. We love new patients and our mantra is that we will exceed your expectations.