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Dr. Pablo Estrada

Sports Medicine Specialist

Dr. Pablo Estrada is a sports medicine family practitioner in El Paso, TX. As a sports medicine family practitioner, Dr. Estrada is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports medicine family practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
9 years Experience
Dr. Pablo Estrada
  • El Paso, TX
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • Accepting new patients

What kind of cream can you use for hip pain?

The best type of cream is no cream. There are products you could buy but you'd be wasting your money as there is no evidence to demonstrate they work. Even my clinic, I don't READ MORE
The best type of cream is no cream. There are products you could buy but you'd be wasting your money as there is no evidence to demonstrate they work. Even my clinic, I don't apply creams or ointments because they don't seem to do much. You could actually try an Epsom salt bath and that will help with muscle soreness. The best thing you could do is see a physical therapist because the pain might not actually be from your hip but from your back (I see that very often in my clinic). Get it checked out and make sure you don't damage anything further.

Gymnastics injury?

This sounds like a lower back issue. Typically, performance athletes like yourself have really good flexibility in your lower back but this often is at the cost of postural strength. READ MORE
This sounds like a lower back issue. Typically, performance athletes like yourself have really good flexibility in your lower back but this often is at the cost of postural strength. If your pain is between your hip and knee and changes with activity, then the issue is more than likely your back. I'd recommend seeing a Sports Physical Therapist assess the postural muscles in your lower back.

My son is highly prone to heat stroke. Is there anything that can help prevent this?

Getting heat stroke is typically a sign of extreme weather, dehydration, and extreme exertion mixed together. Step one would be to determine why your son is passing out because READ MORE
Getting heat stroke is typically a sign of extreme weather, dehydration, and extreme exertion mixed together. Step one would be to determine why your son is passing out because it may not be heatstroke but other cardiac issues. Drinking plenty of water before and during the activity is best. Also, proper nutrition is a key factor as well. Limit the outdoor activity during the hottest parts of the day 11-3. I'd recommend seeing a Sports Physical Therapist and getting a VO2 max test done to determine his cardiovascular strength.

What can I take for pain after knee surgery?

Following your MD's prescription orders is best but the movement is the best thing to help reduce the pain fast. There are a few exceptions depending on your surgery but the movement READ MORE
Following your MD's prescription orders is best but the movement is the best thing to help reduce the pain fast. There are a few exceptions depending on your surgery but the movement is the best thing to help right now. I know it will be painful and sore to move your knee but the more you do the better.