Hee Jin Koh
Dr. Hee Jin Koh is a general and cosmetic dermatologist practicing in Clifton and Montclair in NJ. Dr. Koh is also a co-founder of Derma Direct, a concerige cosmetic service platform, which provides at-home botulinum toxin injection to clients. Dr. Koh specializes in inflammatory skin disorders, vitiligo, acne, hair loss, and cosmetic dermatology such as botulinum toxins, fillers, and chemical peels. Dr. Koh diagnoses skin problems and develops unique and tailored treatment plans for each individual patient.
Dr. Koh graduated from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in 2016, after completion of an accelerated 7-year BS/MD program. She completed a preliminary year in internal medicine at Yale New Haven Hospital/Waterbury Program, and a 2-year fellowship in clinical trials in the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Dr. Koh completed her Dermatology Residency at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC. Dr. Koh has authored or co-authored numerous publications including original articles, research letters, book chapters, abstracts, and posters. Dr. Koh was a sub-investigator in clinical trials of many new, ground-breaking, dermatologic treatments at Mount Sinai.
Dr. Koh graduated from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in 2016, after completion of an accelerated 7-year BS/MD program. She completed a preliminary year in internal medicine at Yale New Haven Hospital/Waterbury Program, and a 2-year fellowship in clinical trials in the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Dr. Koh completed her Dermatology Residency at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC. Dr. Koh has authored or co-authored numerous publications including original articles, research letters, book chapters, abstracts, and posters. Dr. Koh was a sub-investigator in clinical trials of many new, ground-breaking, dermatologic treatments at Mount Sinai.
9 years
Hee Jin Koh
- Clifton, NJ
- Rutgers NJ Medical School
- Accepting new patients
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Are these stretch marks?
Hi! this is definitely NOT stretch marks. If your legs were exposed to heat like heating pads, heated laptop, electric blankets, this is likely to be a condition called erythema READ MORE
Hi! this is definitely NOT stretch marks. If your legs were exposed to heat like heating pads, heated laptop, electric blankets, this is likely to be a condition called erythema ab igne. Otherwise, looks like livedo reticularis which is secondary to vascular problems like vasculitis/vasculopathy, autoimmune, etc. You should definitely visit a local dermatologist nearby!

What are these?
Can't tell if they are blisters or not based on photo. You should definitely get it checked out by a local dermatologist. Maybe molluscum (see if some are umbilicated) that is READ MORE
Can't tell if they are blisters or not based on photo. You should definitely get it checked out by a local dermatologist. Maybe molluscum (see if some are umbilicated) that is spreading by contact from shaving or something else.

Skin issues?
Hi! This sounds like ingrown hair problems + bacterial superinfection. You should go see your local dermatologist for treatment of infection and recommendations on prevention. READ MORE
Hi! This sounds like ingrown hair problems + bacterial superinfection. You should go see your local dermatologist for treatment of infection and recommendations on prevention. Try stopping shaving permanently or temporarily & just trimming beard, not too close to skin. You can wash the beard area with benzoyl peroxide wash (acne wash). There are chemical depilatories available over-the-counter to remove hair, but they often don't work well and can cause contact dermatitis/rash so need to be careful.