Let’s Demystify: Non-Invasive Porcelain Veneers
Dr. Rachel Schick, DMD is a Dentist practicing in Scottsdale, AZ. Dr. Schick specializes in using digital technology to provide patients noninvasive cosmetic dental treatment. These treatments include Near Prepless Veneers, Clear Aligner Therapy, Laser Smile Sculpting and much more! At the core, Dr. Schick's main focus... more
OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW: Non-Invasive Prepless Veneers
I am a realist, therefore I know that when “Porcelain Veneers” is brought up in any conversation, many people’s nose crinkles, eyebrows fold inward or straight up, lips quiver, and head starts to shake left and right.
Honestly, I do not blame my patients or family members for their reaction because they have been nurtured to physiologically response in the manner. The word ‘Veneer’ brings forth an emotional fear that illustrates as a physiologic response of…..how do I say this, disgust. This has been cultivated due to deep dinosauric history and results of practicing dentistry.
Well, I am very glad to announce we are not in 1980 or early 2000s anymore!
We have all accepted that everything advances in life due to the help of technology and research. SO PEOPLE, it is time to apply that thinking and interest into your dental health!
I am a dentist, that says ’Yes’ to: not shaving down your teeth, no shots, long term treatment results, straighter teeth, whiter teeth, wanting YOU to SMILE MORE!
Yes, so everyone lets chill because enamel preservation is IN!
Demystify: Process and Results
So class, let’s begin with the basics.
1. Prepless or Near Prepless Veneers have either no removal of tooth structure or minimal tooth removal (that you should not miss or lose sleep over).
2. I normally do not have to numb my patients because I am not doing any invasive dentistry that will cause discomfort.
3. If gum contouring is necessary for ideal results, I do numb my patients to alleviate any minor discomfort.
4. Your Smile Transformation with Veneers will last many years, but it is up to you to maintain my beautiful work by coming in for regular hygiene cleanings/checks.
5. If you buy a car or house you have to protect the investment correct? Your Smile Transformation with Veneers is no different. So, if you do not wear the prescribed custom Veneer Guard given to you after your treatment, then do not come crying back to me confused why something happened to your veneer! If anything blame your significant other for not holding you accountable……
6. If your unhappy with the results of your Smile Transformation with Prepless or Near Prepless Veneers, you can request to have them removed with a laser and go back to a less captivating smile you walked in with two appointments prior. I bet this will not be the case for you (as long as I am the dentist doing the work…), but if it helps you sleep at night knowing there is a reverse, I am happy to inform.
Lastly, Prepless or Near Prepless Veneers are not for everyone. I have clinical guidelines I look for in order to properly informed my patients if they are a candidate.
Remember, I am a realist……….and Non-Invasive Porcelain Veneers will provide you with a straighter, whiter, conservative, long term dental solution to help you SMILE MORE.
If you have questions you can direct message me on Instagram: @doctor_rachelschick https://www.instagram.com/doctor_rachelschick?igsh=Y25tODNpZmxpMjNx&utm_source=qr
If you would like a Complimentary Virtual Smile Consultation click the link and follow the instructions: https://app.smilevirtual.com/Rachel-Schick