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Karen Rowe


Karen Rowe is an Acupuncture Physician practicing in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Dr. Rowe evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of oriental medicine. Karen evaluates patients by getting an in-depth patient history, reading any patient provided lab or imaging reports and doing a physical exam. After reviewing all of this information a diagnosis and treatment plan is formulated. Using her extensive knowledge of both eastern and western medicine, Dr. Rowe then places the acupuncture needles accordingly to the diagnosis. By following these guidelines, Dr. Rowe has successfully treated thousands of patients since 2001 for pain management issues, digestive disorders, headaches, infertility and many other conditions.
Karen Rowe
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Accepting new patients

Soreness in hands and feet from Acupuncture

Hi… from what you shared, this is a very unusual reaction to an acupuncture treatment. Did you follow-up with the doctor that treated you and share what your experience has been? READ MORE
Hi… from what you shared, this is a very unusual reaction to an acupuncture treatment. Did you follow-up with the doctor that treated you and share what your experience has been?

Is acupuncture safe for your health?

Hi… my experience using acupuncture alone in the treatment of CFS is that you generally need to do additional dietary therapy and herbal therapy. It can be very helpful in the READ MORE
Hi… my experience using acupuncture alone in the treatment of CFS is that you generally need to do additional dietary therapy and herbal therapy. It can be very helpful in the treatment.