Isam Estwani
Dr. Isam Estwani is a Dentist practicing in Herndon, VA. Dr. Estwani seeks to help his patients gain a comprehensive understanding of their oral health and help them achieve a healthy smile for life. Dr. Estwani is esthetically centered in his treatment methods, enhancing the natural beauty of his patients smiles. He believes that a smile is one of the easiest and most genuine ways to spread happiness.
33 years
Isam Estwani
- Herndon, VA
- George Mason University
- Accepting new patients
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Can I get a brace with one missing tooth?
Yes usually you can considering the remaining teeth are healthy.
How do you get rid of stains from braces?
With braces you need to spend more time brushing. But some stains are difficult to remove on your own and would need the help of your dental office.
How long does a zirconia crown last?
It depends on the environment of the tooth, but usually lasts over 10 years.
Any idea what this bump is and what it could be from
As a general rule you can give a lesion that develops in your mouth two weeks to resolve on its own, if it doesn't its good idea to get it checked out by your dentist.