Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Can I get a brace with one missing tooth?

I have a missing tooth. Can I get a brace with one missing tooth?

7 Answers

Yes. Absolutely, a patient can get braces even if they have missing teeth
You can absolutely get braces. Depending on your bite, your orthodontist will determine whether to close the space or plan for an implant/bridge for the missing tooth among other possible options. Glenn P. Frial, DDS, MS, APC Specialist in Orthodontics
Yes! You can absolutely get braces with a missing tooth.
I am not sure I understand what you are asking, but if you are asking if you can get braces (orthodontics for straightening teeth), then yes. If you are asking about a removable partial, yes, they can replace a single missing tooth.
The short answer to the question is that yes, you can get braces for one missing tooth to close a space. But it all depends on the location of the tooth and how much space there is that needs to be closed. It also helps if there is crowding happening on the same arch that has the missing tooth, so that both the crowding can be relieved as well as the closing of the space. As always, please check with a general dentist or orthodontist in person.
Yes usually you can considering the remaining teeth are healthy.