How Root Canal Treatment Rescues Cracked Teeth

Contemporary Dental Care Dentist Orlando, Florida

Dr. Sheryar Khan is dedicated to crafting radiant, healthy smiles that not only elevate confidence but also promote overall well-being. Through a blend of proficiency, state-of-the-art methodologies, and a caring demeanor, he serves as your reliable partner on the path to optimal dental wellness. After completing a rigorous... more

Your dentist's mission is clear: save teeth whenever possible. Extraction is only considered when it's truly the last resort. If you're dealing with a cracked tooth, a root canal might just be the superhero it needs. Let's delve into the details of this crucial dental treatment.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

The idea of a root canal might send shivers down your spine, but fear not! Modern dentistry has transformed this procedure into a routine and painless experience. According to The American Association of Endodontists, over 15.1 million root canals are performed annually, making them a staple solution for various dental woes.

So, what exactly is a root canal? It's a dental procedure aimed at salvaging a compromised tooth by removing its infected inner core, which houses nerves, tissues, and blood vessels. This becomes necessary when the pulp, the soft inner part of your tooth, becomes inflamed, infected, or damaged due to reasons like:

- Severe decay
- Repeated dental procedures on the same tooth
- Chips or cracks
- Trauma

The Decision to Save

Typically, a root canal is recommended for individuals with an infected cracked tooth or extensive cavities. However, the decision to opt for a root canal hinges on various factors, including:

- The depth of the crack
- The width of the fracture
- Damage to surrounding tissues

Ultimately, the treatment plan is tailored to each unique case, determined during the initial examination. If the tooth can be preserved and the crack isn't too severe, a root canal emerges as a viable option.

Preventing Further Complications

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated poses risks of pulp infection or contamination. A root canal addresses this by sealing the crack, ensuring no bacteria or debris linger. During the procedure, the tooth's interior is meticulously cleaned, reaching all the way down to the root.


Choosing a root canal for a cracked tooth offers a multitude of benefits:

- Pain Relief: By removing the sensitive pulp, discomfort is alleviated.
- Preservation of Natural Tooth: Maintains both function and aesthetics.
- Infection Prevention: Seals the tooth, thwarting future issues.
- Restoration of Function: Enables comfortable biting and chewing.
- Long-Term Success: Provides a durable solution.
- Cost-Effectiveness: Often more economical than extraction and replacement.

In Conclusion

A root canal emerges as a lifeline for cracked teeth, offering a chance at salvation. Trust the expertise of dental professionals to determine the best course of action. Keen to explore more about root canals? Reach out to Dr. Sheryar Khan, a graduate of Howard Dental School in Washington, at Contemporary Dental Care.