Healthy Heart

Alternative Remedies to Treat Cardiovascular Diseases

Alternative Remedies to Treat Cardiovascular Diseases

Herbal Treatment of the heart has been used by mankind for centuries and has shown an excellent effect. Especially effective was the use of medicinal plants in the case of chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension, where treatment involves a particular duration and a comprehensive approach.

It is known that drugs of plant origin more rarely than synthetic pharmacological agents cause allergic reactions and other adverse symptoms. The natural composition of the main and auxiliary biologically active substances in medicinal plants contributes to the successful complex treatment.

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10 remedies for the heart and vessels

  1. Rosehip helps different conditions including heart diseases. Arrhythmias are one of the most common symptoms of the heart diseases. You should take 1 tablespoon of rosehip berries without the seeds, pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil it in a water bath, simmering it for about 10 minutes. Then cool the remedy, grind it in order to obtain a homogeneous paste, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to take a third of a cup of the broth three times a day 20 to 25 minutes before meals.
  2. Melisa possesses powerful sedative properties, thus it is widely used in neurology and cardiology. Take a tablespoon of this plant, brew it in 600 to 700 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave for the night. Then pass through a sieve and drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day. Melissa contributes to the normal operation of the heart muscle. However, after a 2-month course it is advised to take a break for at least 7 to 10 days.
  3. Calendula (marigold flowers) is also effective for cardiac arrhythmia. Soak a tablespoon of dried flowers in 500 milliliters of boiling water, hold it for about an hour in the heat, then pass through a sieve. It is recommended to take 0.5 cups 3 to 4 times a day. This infusion helps to normalize the rhythmic work of the heart muscle.
  4. During palpitations of the heart such herbs as cornflower and vinca might be recommended. They are used in the form of herbal tea. You should not mix these two herbs with any other ones, as the biggest effect of their pace-making properties is achieved when they are together.
  5. The flowers of white willow are effective in arrhithmias as well. Here you need to make a tincture from the blossom of the white willow (about 100 g) and mix with vodka (about half a liter). Then the mixture is kept in the cool and dark place for a month. This remedy is taken in the form of drops, 30 drops three times a day, undiluted in a little water before meals. The monthly course usually provides a reliable and quick result.
  6. Herbal tea can be created using such herbs as rosehip and wild strawberries. About 100 g of these herbs should be steamed in 1 liter of boiling water of about 100 g for about 15 minutes, then left to cool and rubbed through a sieve. Fill with water to the original volume and drink 0.5 cups in the evening and in the morning on an empty stomach. Take 40 grams of finely chopped valerian root, the same grass Leonurus and add cumin seeds. Soak a tablespoon of prepared mixture in 600 ml of boiling water, steam it for 15 minutes, then leave it for half an hour and strain. Drink a glass of this healing decoction at night.
  7. The majority of patients with heart problems prefer a good herbal treatment, which is absolutely harmless and in an appropriate dose has no side effects. This mixture of the herbs helps the heart, strengthening the heart wall and equalizing the rhythm of heart beats: hops, yarrow, valerian, lemon balm and corn silk, taken in equal proportions. The two tablespoons of chopped herb mixture should be steamed in a cup of boiling water and left overnight in a thermos, then strained. Recommended dose is 125 ml 3 to 4 times a day.
  8. In coronary artery disease, fennel can be useful. You can take 10 grams of fennel seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, then bring it to boil. After cooling, pass through a sieve and add water to the initial amount. Recommended dose is a tablespoon three times a day.
  9. About one hour before breakfast, cook a teaspoon of minced horseradish well, add a spoonful of honey (it`s better to take honey from lime blossom). This mixture can be washed down with a little water. This interesting remedy is advised in off-season consumption for a few weeks for the prevention of recurrence of the coronary disease.
  10. Honey is a unique combination of vitamins and bioactive substances. It's popular all over the world. Honey is used in various fields of medicine. You should take a tablespoon of honey before meals every morning, provided you do not have an allergy to it. You should not take it with hot tea as it makes you sweat, and works your heart faster.

Herbs have had a long history of their applications in medicine, since ancient times. All listed means are good enough to help the basic treatment for the heart diseases. However, administration of the remedies in heart and vessels diseases should be discussed with your GP, in order to avoid further complications. 

Be sure to discuss any treatment method with your physician before taking action.