5 Tips for Living with Gastroenteritis

Nobody loves being sick, particularly when it comes to gastroenteritis. Vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, chills, and diarrhea add up to a bad feeling. While gastroenteritis neither do nor necessitate medication, especially if it is mild, the following tips can help you live with gastroenteritis.
What is Gastroenteritis?
Gastroenteritis is caused by bacteria that attack the gastrointestinal system. These bacteria can be contracted from poorly prepared foods, infected objects, handshaking an infected person (if he/she didn’t wash hands before greeting you), and a poor hygiene setting. People suffering from gastroenteritis will usually show the following symptoms:
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Low-grade fever
• Severe headache
• Sore muscles
• Abdominal pain
• Muscle aches
Tip #1: Drink the right fluids
You should take a lot of fluids if you are suffering from gastroenteritis. During episodes of sweating, diarrhea, as well as vomiting, your body loses vital bodily fluids. Start by taking small sips of clear liquids at regular intervals. Avoid soft drinks and alcohol since both act as diuretics and can cause stomach upset. You should also refrain from drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee, black tea, and chocolate. Finally, get enough rest so your body will have enough time to recover.
Tip #2. Balanced diet with the right foods
A balanced diet is vital if you’re suffering from gastroenteritis. Ensure that your diet comprises of foods that can easily be digested and contain enough carbohydrates for enough energy that can replenish nutrients lost during vomiting and diarrhea.
Foods that make the best diet for gastroenteritis
- Bananas: are easily digested and can replace the potassium you lost through vomiting as well as diarrhea.
- Rice: provides enough fiber to help the stomach during digestion.
- Applesauce: is a great source of energy because of its high carbohydrate and sugar levels. It also contains pectin that can help you deal with diarrhea.
- Toast: instead of eating whole-wheat bread that contains too much fiber, go for white bread because it is easier to digest.
If you are suffering from gastroenteritis, avoid dairy products because milk can be hard to digest. Foods containing too much fiber should also be avoided.
Other foods to avoid in gastroenteritis:
- Foods that contain too much fiber such as brown bread
- Oily and salty foods such as bacon
- Foods containing a lot of tomatoes, curries, and chilli sauces
Tip #3. Healing touch
You can rely on acupressure to treat gastroenteritis. It involves locating the pressure point through measuring the width of 3 fingers down right from the bottom of the palm. After locating the pressure point, the next step involves pressing below that width using the thumb to locate a sensitive spot that is between 2 tendons. Then gently massage the sensitive spot using your thumb for 2-3 minutes.
Tip #4. Ensure that you get enough rest
Getting enough rest is important if you have gastroenteritis. This will help your body fight off the bacteria and repair the damaged cells. Gastroenteritis can be managed. With the right medication and tips, you can recover from it.