Alternative Treatments for Chickenpox

Chicken pox is a very easily spread disease, and the cause of the disease is the varicella-zoster virus that starts as sore and itchy skin. Besides children, pregnant mothers are at a high risk of acquiring the disease. Usually, the best method in avoiding the contracting of the virus is getting a vaccination against the disease. Children with a strong immunity should not be troubled with any medical checkup and any other treatment.
There are many ways through which chickenpox can be treated. A person with this condition can take antiviral medications, analgesics, etc. However, there are various home remedies which can also be used to keep the patient clean and dry, as well as prevent the spreading of infection to other people. One of the home methods of treating the chickenpox include baking soda. This can help with the itching of the skin, since it makes the blisters dry out, and any irritation of the skin reduces. In preparing baking soda, one is required to mix water with the baking soda, which is then applied to the skin or used in taking a bath with the baking soda water. One is allowed to have cool baths, but warm water baths are preferred; however, this depends upon one’s preferences. Honey can also be used in curing the chicken pox. Honey kills bacteria and cures irritations on the skin. The sugar component in the honey and the antibacterial properties of honey help make the skin less sore. Honey is smeared over the skin and then washed off after the duration of five minutes. This should be done 3-4 times per day.
Neem (Margosa) leaves can also be used for chickenpox treatment. The neem tree has antiviral powers against the varicella zoster virus; hence, it treats chickenpox. It also helps in relieving itchy skin and the soreness that comes with it. The neem tree, therefore, plays a role in improving immunity, reducing inflammation, being an antiviral, being an antioxidant, and being able to prevent cancer. In treating one, the neem fronds are used with water to be applied to the skin to ease off the disease. The neem fronds can also be hung around the patient’s bed or can be used as a fan for a patient. Neem baths are usually given to the patient after the scabs drop off from the skin, and the condition gets cured. It is recommended that the leaves of neem should not be directly applied or ingested by children, because they are very strong in nature; however, adults can use it safely.
Brown vinegar can also be used in treating chickenpox. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which kills the bacteria and can be left on the skin, hence getting off with the irritations and lesions. It helps in drying out the blisters and preventing the scars during chickenpox. The brown vinegar can be used by mixing it in lukewarm bath water and taking a bath with this water until the condition is cured.
Oatmeal baths or showers can also be used in the treatment of the chickenpox virus. This is done through grinding the oats and then mixing them with water before using it to shower to relieve the pain that comes with chickenpox. Oatmeal showers with the oils can also be used in treating chickenpox. Oats with lavender oil, tea tree oil, clove oil, rosemary, and Roman chamomile could be used in treating the ailments.
Homemade anti-itching cream can be used for treating chickenpox. This is used for relieving itchiness and the irritating feeling that comes with the disease. This anti-itching cream or oil is prepared by using certain essential oils that have anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that are very good for the skin. One such cream can be made by blending rosemary oil (1 drop), fine sea salt (1 tsp), clove oil (2 drops), baking soda (1 tsp), naouli oil (2 drops), witch hazel (1 tbsp), tea tree oil (2 drops), lavender oil (5 drops), bentonite clay (2 tsp), ravensara oil (3 drops), and peppermint oil (5 drops).
Epsom salt can use be used in treating chickenpox, as well. Salt is composed of magnesium and sulphate minerals that help in reliving itchy skin and the relieving of the soreness of the skin. Essential oils are used in the treatment of chickenpox, too. These oils include the lemon, cinnamon, clove, and rosemary oils, as well as eucalyptus. These oils, when combined with the Epsom salt, work faster and treat very effectively. These oils are used when one is taking a bath. Drying of the skin should be done gently to avoid any damage to the skin.
Sandalwood oil can also be used, since it is an antiviral and antibacterial oil. It helps one relieve the itchy feeling, giving one calmness. It is a natural calming agent with anti-inflammatory properties that can help in treating the inflammation associated with chickenpox. A patient can use it directly or mix it with turmeric (anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria) to improve its effectiveness and increase the process of healing.
Jasmine flowers can also help out, mostly in Thailand, through making tea with it to treat chickenpox. The flowers are sold everywhere in the shops and markets. Ginger can also help out in treating the disease through boiling the ginger in water and then having a bath with the water while still warm. Ginger can help in getting rid of the itchiness that accompanies chickenpox.
Marigold flowers are also effective in the treatment of chickenpox, since it is antibacterial and prevents inflammation of the skin (anti-inflammatory). Green peas can also be applied to the skin to relieve the itchiness and help with removal of the lesions. Herbal tea can also help out in situations of infection, and it is recommended for persons even not sick to make their immunity stronger. Vitamin D acquired from the exposure to the sunshine can help in the early stages before developing the lesions on the skin. Drinking plenty of water and eating vegetables and fruits with dairy products can also help out in treating the disease. A good diet is the key to great health; thus, a patient should never compromise with the health and always consume the diet recommended by the doctors.
Final Thoughts
Chickenpox is an annoying disease, but it can be adequately treated at home. Many home remedies will relieve the itchiness and pain associated with chickenpox.