“Are there any vaccines available for chickenpox?”
My daughter is 9 year old. I do not want her to be infected with chickenpox. Are there any vaccines available for chickenpox?
4 Answers
There is a vaccine called Varivax for many, many years to prevent chicken pox. It should have been given at age 12 months. Check with her doctor to see if it was given already. It is a modified live virus vaccine so may not be used in patients with certain immune disorders or if they are on immune suppressive medications. Check with her physician. It can be given at any age up to age 50, after which another vaccine to prevent Shingles is to be used, called Shingrix.
Carl Lauter, MD, MACP
Carl Lauter, MD, MACP
Yes. Varicella-zoster vaccine. According to CDC recommendations, children should receive the vaccine at age 12-15 month (1st dose) and age 4-6 years old (2nd dose). Check your child's vaccination record if it lists "MMRV" (ProQad, this is 4 different vaccines in one) or "VR" (Varivax) she did receive the vaccine. If not, you can ask for a "catch-up"vaccination if your daughter did not receive the vaccinations as per recommended schedule.
Yes, there is a vaccine. Varicella vaccine - 2 shots, one now and the second in 4-6 months.
G. Dickinson
G. Dickinson