Can Kidney Stones Be a Recurring Issue?

Yes, Kidney stones is a recurring issue. Kidney stones are an infection that leads to the formation of stones in the ureter and bladder. Kidney stones are made up of acid salts and minerals which come together to form stone like structures in the urinary system. These minerals may be made up of xanthine, phosphate, urate, calcium, urate, and oxalate. Kidney stones are always of distinct shapes and sizes. Once these stones accumulate in the bladder and the ureter, they prevent smooth passage of urine. They cause pain when a person is passing urine.
The condition which is also known as renal lithiasis, urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis affects 10 out of 100 individuals, with about 9 of them being men and 1 being women. The condition is found in people between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Kidney stones is also a recurring infection. Once you get one kidney stone, there are up to 70 to 80% chances of the condition recurring.
Kidney stones can be recurring mainly because of the reason of the failure of living a healthy life. Even if a person gets cured of kidney stone disorder once, he may forget or start ignoring to continue the same healthy diet. In today’s world of hectic and stressful lives, people are more likely to ignore their health and compromise on it.
How Do Kidney Stones Develop?
The Kidney is responsible for the process is filtering waste minerals. Once the kidney filters minerals such as calcium, phosphate and oxalate and there is no enough urine to dissolve the substances, the minerals start solidifying in the tubes. They form ball-like structures that range from microscopic ones to the size of a golf ball.
Types of Kidney Stones
• Struvite stones
• Cysteine stones
• Calcium stones
• Uric acid stones
Symptoms of Recurring Kidney Stones
• Pain around the abdomen. When a stone forms in the kidney or the bladder, it causes pain around the abdomen and the lower back. In the case of unbearable abdomen pains, the severity of the kidney stones may be very high.
• One experiences a severe stomach ache that lasts for a longer period of time.
• Nausea or vomiting
• Fever
• Urine with blood. As the stones are coming out of the urethra, they rub against its walls, hence producing blood in the urine
• Bad smell in urine. Due to high quantities of mineral and acid salts, the urine starts to smell
• Chills in the body
Diagnosis of Kidney Stones
• Ultrasound- It is used to detect kidney stones, but it is an optional test especially for pregnant women and children because the radiation of the test can harm them. The procedure, however, may miss out on minuscule stones which are capable of growing into larger stones in future if neglected.
• Computed tomography (CT) scan- This is the best test for kidney stones. The test forms images of the body structure, hence, it is possible to identify the presence of kidney stones, determining the size of the stones, type of kidney stone and the seriousness of the entire disorder in a particular scenario.
• Blood test to ascertain the level of certain chemicals in the body like calcium
• Testing of the blood can also be done to examine the performance of your kidneys
• Natural and organic home remedies for the basic level kidney stones
• Change in the overall diet and the lifestyle that will ensure that the body gets every nutrient in a perfect balance without harming any system
Factors That Lead to the Recurrence of Kidney Stones
1. Taking some kind of medications. These may include those with very high levels of phosphates, magnesium, natural agents which dissolve the kidney stones.
2. Consumption of food with high levels of sodium, fiber, protein, and sugar
3. Lack of intake of enough fluids such as water
4. If you are a male
5. Chronic infections such as obesity, kidney cysts, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.
6. Heredity also plays a role in kidney stones forming
7. Being unable to move for an extended period of time of time
8. Urinary tract infections
How do you prevent yourself from Recurrence of Kidney Stones?
In case you have suffered from kidney stones, or you have never experienced the condition, the following are prevention measures.
• Drink lemon made drinks since citrate helps to prevent the formation of the stones
• Reduce the amount of animal protein that you take
• Make sure you take high amounts of fluids more especially water. Up to 14 cups in a day
• You should also take as very low amounts of salts in a day
• If you know the type of kidney stones you are suffering from kidney stones, reduce intake of foods related to the material causing the condition. For example, reduce intake of oxalates if you have oxalate-related stones
• Preventing the consumption of alcoholic and soda drinks and processed food. Such foods contribute to the decrease in liquids and increase in the calcium and oxalate solidification.
The Bottom Line
Kidney stones is a recurring condition that is affecting very many people all over the world and at a high rate. You can, however, prevent the situation by following the simple diet tricks. These methods do not need any extra time or efforts. They can be easily followed by any person. The individuals who have already experienced kidney stones and have been cured of them must take special care, to avoid recurrence. Frequent recurrence of kidney stones can make the urinary and bladder system weak in early ages.
The people who observe the above symptoms of kidney stone must not ignore that fact. They must immediately consult a doctor to understand the severity of the kidney stones so that the treatment can be started accordingly. The disorder of kidney stones is not fatal however it can cause infections in the body and the recurrence of that will make the body weak, and it will also reduce the immunity.