Crohn's Disease and Other Gastrointestinal Issues

Crohn’s disease patients suffer from a chronic inflammation of the large intestine (colon). They may also experience weight loss and abdominal pain. Treatment of Crohn’s is more or less similar to that of another inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), known as ulcerative colitis. For both of these diseases, 6mercaptopurine and mesalamine preparations, sulfasalazine, and glucocorticoids can be used. Herbal remedies for Chron's can also be used to help alleviate any symptoms.
For the treatment of other complications associated with Crohn’s disease, antibiotics, such as Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacin, can be used. Metronidazole is particularly important when it comes to the treatment of fistulous disease, which occurs in many Chron's patients.
Crohn’s disease may sometimes be confused with another inflammatory bowel disease, known as regional ileitis — it is both severe and progressive. Symptoms, which are a result from infection, include diarrhea accompanied by pain. There will also be blood, pus, and mucus found in the patient’s stool.
How is Crohn’s different from regional ileitis?
Crohn’s is different from regional ileitis in that it can affect any part of the digestive tract. Furthermore, Crohn’s disease patients do not always experience unhealthy bowel movements; regional ileitis patients have diarrhea. With Crohn’s, bowel movements may either be regular or irregular.
Complications and Surgery
People with Crohn’s do not normally show symptoms during remission. This should not be confused with healing. Rather, it’s a temporary situation, which may last for several weeks or years. The disease is likely to reoccur after this period is over. Patients should pay close attention to their health, and take all the necessary precautions to combat Chron's disease symptoms.
Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may recommend surgery. The procedure is reasonably safe and highly tolerated. In fact, it comes with a 6% operative mortality rate.
Diarrhea being one of the most prevalent symptoms of Crohn’s, usual causes patients to experience thickening or fissures around the anus. Anal skin may also swell or become discolored.
Crohn’s disease can also lead to liver complications, like cancer and cirrhosis. This symptom is mostly common among people with a family history of allergies, like asthma and hives. Additional symptoms include:
1. Thrush in the mouth
2. Arthritis (affects large joints)
3. Lesions in the eyes
4. Clubbing: an enlargement that occurs at the ends of an individual's fingers
An effective cure for Crohn’s disease is yet to be found. Despite the fact that people with Crohn’s experience mild symptoms, the disease still affects their personal life as well as work; patients are not able to function normally. Ironically, medications used for treating IBDs may result in other complications.
Diet is associated with Crohn’s disease and you should consult with a nutritionist specializing in this disease.
Research shows that the disease may develop as a result of eating habits:
• Less raw vegetables and fruits
• Less fiber
• Plenty of refined sugars
Sugary foods contain chemical additives that influence harmless bacteria present in the intestines. This causes the production of toxic substances that, with time, hugely contribute to the destruction of the lining of the intestines. Therefore, people with Crohn’s disease should limit their intake of — or completely avoid — sugary foods.
Cold drinks and seasonings aren’t healthy either. Additionally, it is common for milk intolerance to develop in most patients, as a result of sugar mal-absorption.
It has been found that Crohn’s disease provides a favorable condition for the development of substances, causing allergic reactions. This mostly occurs when Crohn’s penetrates the bowel’s lining.
Consult your doctor before making any decisions
It is advisable to first consult with a reputable health care provider, if you suspect that you are suffering from Crohn’s disease. This applies to other IBDs as well. Herbal remedies won’t be of any help if you are not sure of what you are suffering from in the first place. To live comfortably with this disease, make sure to employ careful diagnosis and monitoring.