How Do You Get Rid of Mono?
What Is Mono?
Mono, or mononucleosis, is also termed as a kissing disease. The reason is because this disease spreads quickly due to contact with any bodily fluids, mostly saliva. The symptoms of mono are quite commonly seen in teenagers and young adults. In the case of children, the symptoms are too mild to be easily noticed, and in the case of the elderly, they mostly are immune to the virus.
Mono is a viral infection which leads to extreme cases of fatigue or weakness, high fever, and swelling in the lymph nodes. The symptoms of mono usually start to appear within four to six weeks after the infestation. In young children, however, the incubation period is much shorter.
What Is the Treatment for Mono?
Currently, there is no specific treatment for the virus that leads to mono. In certain cases, people turn to pain relieving medications to provide relief from certain mono symptoms. Since this illness is due to a virus, antibiotics are not very effective. For the treatment of complications caused due to inflammation, the doctor can prescribe corticosteroids.
Some of these complications include autoimmune phenomena and obstruction in the airway passage. These steroids, which are prescribed by the doctor, help in reducing itching, swelling, and redness caused by the infection. However, these medicines come with their own side effects. Similarly, corticosteroids also have their own issues; taking them for a prolonged period can lead to a lowered resistance to the infection, thus making it difficult to treat.
Other possible side effects caused by corticosteroids are inability to digest food, feeling restless, increased appetite, and nervousness. People usually try over-the-counter pain medications to relieve certain mono symptoms such as body pain and headaches. However, one should note that an overdose of acetaminophen is one of the most common causes of poisoning around the globe.
Adults should not take more than 4000mg of acetaminophen per day. Also, when you take various medicines, they may contain a certain amount of acetaminophen, so, without knowing, the individual tends to consume more than the required dosage, leading to overdose and other issues.
Also, when taking over-the-counter painkillers, it is possible that they may interfere with the normal functioning of the nervous system, thus leading to a change in the way the nerves communicate feelings when they occur in certain parts of the body. Some doctors also recommend going in for antiviral agents such as acyclovir or valacyclovir. These are also taken for the treatment of mono symptoms, but only for the severe form of mono.
Natural Remedies for Mono
Probiotics: Probiotic intake is known to heal the gut and also support immune system health. Probiotics are known to enhance the functioning of the immune system along with reducing the risk of certain infectious diseases. Probiotics are known to contain antiviral properties which help reduce the risk or span of certain symptoms caused by respiratory infections.
Increase fluid intake: Keeping oneself hydrated is very important, especially when one is unwell. Also, if there is a loss of appetite or one is on certain types of painkillers, the body needs more fluids, even though there may not be any urge. Do not go in for fruit juices or sports drinks since they are very high in calories. Those drinks have a lot of sugar and chemicals, which can lead to worsening of the inflammation present in the body, thus making it more difficult to treat the infection. You can drink just plain water, but if water gets to be too much, try some herbal tea or coconut water.
Garlic: Garlic is known to contain antiviral as well as antimicrobial properties, due to which it is considered a natural remedy for a host of infectious diseases. When you feel there are mono symptoms, be sure to consume a clove of raw garlic daily for symptom reduction. Raw garlic contains allicin, which is a compound helpful in fighting against any kind of infection.
Vitamin B complex: B vitamins are known to fight against fatigue and weakness. It helps boost energy levels, brings about mental changes, and also boosts cognitive functions. When you come across mono symptoms, you can consume foods that are good sources of B vitamins, such as garlic, salmon, bananas, raw milk, and cheese. Also, one can take a B vitamin complex supplement to make up for the low levels in the body.
Echinacea: Echinacea contains certain chemical constituents that are considered powerful stimulators of the immune system. They are known to provide some excellent therapeutic value. It also contains antiviral properties that help stop recurring infections if consumed on a daily basis. For pain associated with sore throats, headaches, or body aches, consumption of Echinacea helps reduce these pain symptoms.
Olive leaf: The olive leaf is said to treat some dangerous forms of viruses by destroying the organisms that tend to invade the body, leading to infections. It also helps stop the viruses from replicating themselves so that they do not cause an infection.
Rest, rest, rest: For those individuals suffering from mono, it is very important to ensure that the body gets complete rest. It becomes a bodily demand. When there is fatigue or weakness, do not fight back; just take some time off and rest. It is beneficial to take naps in between the day and also to go to sleep early.
Astragalus root: One of the major medicinal herbs commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine is the astragalus root. It helps in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions as well as body problems. This plant is extremely beneficial and is considered a powerful immunity builder. It is known to contain three essential components, including polysaccharides, saponins, and flavonoids. These three components are mainly responsible for the various properties available in astragalus root, those being antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory.
Healthy dietary changes: When an individual suffers from mono, it becomes very important to boost the immune system and ensure it stays healthy. The body should be supported and kept healthy by consuming anti-inflammatory foods. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods would include antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. A few such food items would include bone broth, blueberries, leafy green vegetables, walnuts, beets, and wild salmon. Individuals who complain of chronic fatigue should try to include magnesium-rich foods as well. Those food items include pumpkin seeds, kefir, spinach, yogurt, figs, almonds, and black beans. Improved magnesium levels in the body will help the body overcome any instances of fatigue, improve energy levels, and support the functioning of the nervous system. To balance the electrolytes in the body, one should look to include foods rich in potassium. Some such foods would include white beans, acorn squash, mushrooms, and sweet potatoes.
Stay away from sports: With mono, there can be chances that the spleen will become enlarged, hence, it is advisable to avoid carrying out any kind of sports activity until the symptoms completely go away. In one research study, it was noted that athletes suffering from mono should try to resume their training or activity three weeks after the illness, but they should ensure that it does not give rise to any other symptoms or infection.